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Hungarian Language: Cuisine

Winery Tour in Hungary

Hungarian wines and brandies are regularly featured at wine stores.  Before you start your wine tasting, take a virtual tour and see a Hungarian winery with

Hungarian Paprikash

Another hardy stew from Hungary.  Beef, chicken, lamb, and pork can be used to make this stew.  Here is an excellent recipe for paprikash.

Baking Hungarian Bread

Can a baker and a linguist exist in the same person? Hopefully, after taking SWSEEL language instruction classes, you can answer this question.   This video of Hungarian artisinal country bread baking is truly inspiring. Enjoy!

A magyar gulyás

In this video, the Chef László Barta is preparing gulyás.  A famous export from Hungary, this dish is known all around the world and sits at the top of all meat stews. 


Hungarian Cuisine provides a nice article detailing the development of Hungarian cuisine throughout history.

For more open resources on Hungarian cuisine, check out Budapest by Locals.


Photogrph of dried beans

Hungarian Cuisine

Soups (Levesek)

Appetizers (Elôételek)

Salads (Saláták)

Fish (Halételek)

Meat, Poultry, Game (Hús-, Szárnyas- és Vadételek)

Vegetables (Zödség alapú ételek)

Pasta, Noodles (Fôtt tészták)

Desserts (Sütemények és édességek)

Note: this website was cited by János Mohácsi.