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National Bibliography and Publishing in Afghanistan, 1871-2009: Periodical Resources

A guide to the history and bibliography of printed works in the languages of Afghanistan before, during and after the Soviet occupation of 1979-1989

Periodicals - Guides

Saber, Ali Ahmad.  A guide to magazines and newspapers of Afghanistan from 1252-1356 (1873-1977).  Kabul: University Printing Press, 1977 (1356).  Language: Dari.  Afghanistan Center Library Call Number:  B1.12 SAB(5646).


 Location: Afghanistan Center at Kabul University, Library Catalogue


Pourhadi, Ibrahim Vaqfi.  Persian and Afghan newspaers in the Library of Congress, 1871-1978.  Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1979.  ISBN: 0-8444-0283-4  UIUC Call Number: Asian Reference 016.07955 P86P.   Indexes: Chronological Index[p.93]; Index of Places of Publication[p.97]; Name Index [p. 98].  

      Published in 1979, this bibliography "lists all the newspapers from Iran and Afghanistan in the holdings of the Library of Congress in alphabetical order."  Ibrahim V. Pourhadi's insightful guide utilizes thirteen categories to classify Iranian newsapers at the Library of Congress:     The "First Category" of newspapers starts with Mirza Saleh Shirazi, " who in January1837 lithographed the first monthly newspaper in Iran."  The other eleven categories are: Second Category [1906-1908, first Iranian constitutional period]; Third Category [1926-1941, "reign of Reza Shah Pahlavi]; "Fourth Category" [ 1945-51 period]; Fifth Category [1941-1953, newspapers published by the "Tudeh party"]; Sixth Category [Mossadeq and the nationalization period]; Seventh Category [ newspapers of "religious orientation]; Eight Category ["ephemeral papers, bulletins, announcements, communiques, etc]; Ninth Category[1905-11 and 1953, "newspapers and periodicals published outside Iran"]; Tenth Category [ "publications that advocate an end to Iran's traditional monarchy']; Eleventh Category ["newspapers published by the Iranian students abroad"]; Twelfth Category ["discuss Iran's role in international affairs"]; Thirteenth Category ["general domestic and foreign news"].  Afghan Newspapers Section  [pp. 84-89, Entries A1-A23] :  In addition to the holdings information,  each entry contains the following:  the language of the newspaper, place of publication, publisher/owner of license information, and dates of publication.  After each entry, Mr. Ibrahim Pourhadi, through brief annotations, provides the researcher with valuable background information on each publication.  


Sims-Williams, Ursula.  Union Catalogue of Persian Serials and Newspapers in British Libraries.  Middle East Libraries Committee.  London: Ithaca Press, 1985.  ISBN: 0863720390.  Relevant Sections: Chronological index (p.143); Index of institutions(p.145); Bibliography (p.141); Union list (p.1).  Note: please see the "Index of institutions" for Afghan serials and newspapers. 

       Published in 1985 by the Middle East Libraries Committee, the union list of Persian serials and  newspapers in British Libraries provides researchers with the following information: parallel title and subtitle; corporate author; date of first and last issue; place of publication; illustrations notes; holdings.  The catalogue is organized alphabetically by title with "cross-refereces included in the sequence from alternative and parallel titles."  Using "the Cambridge History of Iran system of transliteration"for Persian and Library of Congress transliteration for Pashto, the author has prepared an excellent guide for scholars researching  Iranian and Afghan serials.    



Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals Online

The Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals

Guided Search

      The online Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals is a searchable database, which aims to do the following:  "to identify and list South Asian periodical titles and to identify if a particular title has been indexed and if so, to what extent." Created by the University of Wisconsin, this Guide utilizes the University of Wisconsin's collection and the Library of Congress' "Cooperative Acquistions Programs in New Delhi and Islamabad" for listing and identifying periodicals.  The database "represents titles in their original script and uses diacritics in transliteration."  In order to fully use this guide, the compilers recommend researchers use "a Unicode-enabled browser."  Based on their observation, the web browser Firefox allows scripts and diacritics "to appear most properly." In addition to the technical suggestions, the compilers recommend, when seraching the database, "diacritics should be ignored and original scirpts can be searched either by cutting and pasting from other sources or by using alternate keyboards." ALA-LC Romanization tables are used for transliterating all titles found in this database.  Researchers would find the  Guide to the Indexing of South Asian Studies Periodicals to be an excellent tool for verifying Afghan serials. 

University of Chicago - International Union List of South Asian Newspapers and Gazettes Online

    Compiled by Irene Joshi, "formerly of the University of Washington Libraries South Asia section," the online International Union List of South Asian Newspapers and Gazettes contains "information on 3,000 newspapers and gazettes published in South Asia and abroad, including publications serving diaspora communities world-wide."  With each entry, if available, the compiler provides the title (title notes: title changes and language of the publication), names of editors, publication location, frequency, publication dates, and holdings information.  Researchers can search the database by using "quick serach" or advanced search.  Advanced search options include: language, place of publication, organization, personal name, and date of publication.  

List of Institutions by Country

Languages: Arabic, Armenian, Assamese, Bengali, Dari, Diveli, English, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Khasi, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Newari, Oriya, Panjabi, Persian, Portuguese, Pushto, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Tibetan, Urdu, and other.

Countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, China, Egypt, England, Fiji, France, Germany, India, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Tanzania, Trinidad, Tobago, Turkey, United States of America, Vietnam, and other.

Letopis' Zhurnal'nykh Statei Online Index (1956-1975)

Letopis' Zhurnal'nyukh Statei Online Index (1956-1975) is a " digitized serial publication that indexes Soviet-era periodicals from 1956 to 1975." Scholars can search this database by conducting a keyword search and utilizing the "limit your search" options.  These options include: limiting the publication year or by selecting subject filters.  Created and managed by the Indiana Digital Library Program, this "...database provides access to the periodical literature of an essential time in modern Russian history, beginning with the period of the Khrushchev 'Thaw' following the 20th CPSU Congress and continuing through the first half of the so-called Brezhnev 'Period of Stagnation.'" Researchers looking for articles published in Soviet-era periodicals (1956-1975) would find this database to be an excellent source. 

Library of Congress Office - Islamabad, Pakistan

Library of Congress Office - Islamabad, Pakistan:  " The Islamabad Office of the Library of Congress supports Congress and the United States Government through its active acquisitions and cataloging program covering Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. The Office advances global research by acquiring research-level books, serials, videos, and sound recordings from the region for over fifty research libraries in the United States, Canada, and Europe under the Cooperative Acquisitions Program (CAP)" [Source]. 

The Islamabad Office of the Library of Congress "administers  a Cooperative Acquisitions Program (CAP) acquiring materials for the Library of Congress and other participating academic, research, and public libraries in United States, Canada, and Europe."  The Cooperative Acquisitions Program (CAP) is "is open to all non-profit libraries and research institutions seeking to develop research library collections from Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan." In addition to acquiring materials, the Islamabad Office of the Library of Congress supports an exchange program for materials found in its collection.  Please contact the Islamabad Office for information regarding the exchange program.

The Library of Congress Office has prepared a list of Afghan Serials(145 serials) for researchers and libraries.  The list contains the following information:  Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN), tilte, publication frequency, language, notes, and cost. 

List of Afghan Serials avaiable from Islamabad Office

Subject Guide

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