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Latin American & Caribbean Studies: K-12 Resources

Teaching Resources

If you are interested in teaching Latin American and the Caribbean to K-12 grades, feel free to explore the following resources. These are certainly not the only resources available, as the online world is full of exciting and informative resources to teach LAC in K-12. Newspapers are always a good starting point for more advanced High School students, as well as popular magazines. Below you will find additional resources that might help you develop your curriculum or provide primary sources for different pedagogical activities. This list of resources are part of a larger presentation and introductory slides for K-12 teachers given at the Bridging Cultures Institute at the University of Illinois from 2017. 

UNM's Latin American and Iberian Institute

PBS Learning Media

Latin American and Caribbean Digital Primary Sources

Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies - K-12

Green Latin American and Caribbean Center - FIU

Teaching Latin America in Middle School

Hispanic American: Presentations and Exhibitions - Library of Congress

"American Empire" from the Digital Public Library of America