For an excellent overview of primary sources for historical research, see the HPNL's LibGuide on Primary Sources.
The University of Illinois Library subscribes to many primary source databases pertinent to Latin American and the Caribbean. For additional information, see the reference and research resources from the Latin American and Caribbean Studies Collection at the International and Area Studies Library.
The Latin American Network Information Center Archives (LANIC): Compiles regional resources as well as US holdings of Latin American and Caribbean collections. Search by country is available.
LA Referencia: La Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de Publicaciones Científicas, o simplemente LA Referencia, es una red latinoamericana de repositorios de acceso abierto. Por medio de sus servicios, apoya las estrategias nacionales de Acceso Abierto en América Latina mediante una plataforma con estándares de interoperabilidad, compartiendo y dando visibilidad a la producción científica generada en las instituciones de educación superior y de investigación científica. A partir de los nodos nacionales, se integran artículos científicos, tesis doctorales y de maestría, provenientes de más de un centenar de universidades e instituciones de investigación de los ocho países que hoy conforman LA Referencia. Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, México y Perú son miembros activos de la red y Costa Rica se integró el 2016. Esta experiencia se basa en acuerdos técnicos y organizativos entre organismos públicos de ciencia y tecnología (Ministerios y Oncyts) de los países miembros, conjuntamente con RedCLARA.
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Map Database including over 63,000 maps and images online. The collection includes rare 16th through 21st century maps of America, North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Pacific and the World.
Digital Library of the Caribbean
The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) is a cooperative digital library for resources from and about the Caribbean and circum-Caribbean. dLOC provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean cultural, historical and research materials currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online UIUC
Full content of nearly 150,000 works published between 1701 and 1800.
Estudios Históricos en Centroamérica:
Website of the Association for Promoting Historical Research in Central America ("Asociación para el Fomento de los Estudios Históricos en Centroamérica"). Provides access to newsletters including original articles. Contains information about additional research resources, and new publications.
This sizeable and informative website is devoted to the history of colonial Spanish America from the 16th to the 18th century. Published by academics from the Instituto Histórico at Chile's Pontificia Universidad Católica, this site is an excellent resource for students beginning work on this field.--Intute
Relics and Selves is a virtual museum offering a comprehensive interactive exhibition, mostly in photographs, of the national iconographies of Argentina, Chile and Brazil in the final decades of the nineteenth century. The Gallery contains more than 3,000 images. This is an excellent primary resource for those interested in 19th century South America.--Intute
US Institute of Peace: Truth Commissions Digital Collections
The website aims to function as an online resource centre for the study of Argentina political history. Aimed at anyone interested in the field, including researchers, lecturers and students, the site offers a range of research materials, information and links to related online resources. --Intute
Historia del Paísa is a good, comprehensive introduction to Argentine history and offers a wealth of information related to all areas of Argentina's past. This site will be of much use to students of Latin American/Argentine history and literature. --Intute
Audiovisual open access archive relating to Channel 7, Radio Nacional, and other institutions ranging from the 1920s to the late twentieth century.
The Biblioteca Virtual de Estudos Culturais, or the Virtual Library of Cultural Studies, is an initiative of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil to bring together online resources for cultural studies. It is essentially annotated gateway to both Brazilian and international cultural studies which is impressive in scope--Intute
Brazilink is an vast gateway to online resources in the field of Brazilian studies and is an essential site for all students and researchers wishing to keep up-to-date with Brazilian news, and seeking original materials on all issues affecting the country (both inside and from abroad). --Intute
Memoria Chilena - Biblioteca Nacional de Chile
This website offers free access to digital special collections in Chile's National Library.
Chile : breve imaginería política 1970-1973
This website offers a large, impressive online gallery of mural and poster art that began in Chile in the years leading up to Salvador Allende winning the presidential election in 1970, and that proliferated throughout the Unidad Popular's rule until 1973. This site offers a means of examining the works in detail and learning more about their impact, the figures involved, and the history of Chile in this turbulent period of political and social upheaval. --Intute
The Castro speech database contains full-text English translations of a selection of speeches, interviews and press conferences by Fidel Castro.
Mexico : From Empire to Revolution is a Web resource based upon the collections of the Getty Research Institute and is a digital exhibition of photography chronicling the history of Mexico during the key period of 1857 to 1923. --Intute
Estudios Históricos en Centroamérica
Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala:
El primer nueva corónica y buen gobierno
H-Latin America
Images of Latin Am cities
Latin American Open Archives Portal
The Latin American Open Archives Portal is a project of the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project - LARRP, in collaboration with the Latin American Network Information Center - LANIC, to improve access to social sciences grey literature produced in Latin America. The portal provides access to working documents, pre-prints, research papers, statistical documents, and other difficult-to-access materials from the "deep Web." Typically, this content is published by research institutes, non-governmental organizations, and peripheral agencies that are not controlled by commercial publishers.
Resources on Aztec & Mayan Law