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Environmental Education: Online Networking

Guide to environmental education resources and curricula for teachers and teachers in training. Includes subject specific resources.

E-mail lists and Newsgroups

E-mail Lists

E-mail discussion lists (sometimes called listservs) allow users to contribute to named mailing lists that distribute messages to all subscribed members. Below are mailing lists that deal with environmental education.

A forum for sharing news relating to Great Lakes education and resources available for both teachers and students. Contact: Lauren Makeyenko, Center for Great Lakes Environmental Education,

Discussion Groups

Google Groups ( is a web-based source for Usenet newsgroups. It contains the entire archive of Usenet discussion groups dating back to 1995. Newsgroups bring people with common interests together online to hold ongoing discussions, recommend favorite web sites, collaborate on projects, and conduct research.

Within each group, Google lists the date, the subject line of each thread, and the name of the most recent poster. To read messages in a particular thread, click on the link for that thread. To post a new message, click on the "Post a New Message to [Group Name]" link in the upper right corner of the page. Although there aren't any Google groups specifically dedicated to environmental education, there are environmental education postings in the following groups:

  • sci.environment
  • talk.environment

Searching for "environmental education" within Google Groups will also locate relevant groups that did not originate on Usenet.

Yahoo Groups ( is another home for environmental education discussion groups. Search "environmental education" to locate relevant groups. Yahoo Groups is the home of the Greening Schools discussion group.

See also the Earth Day/Eco-Projects Chatboard, a web-based discussion on the website devoted to discussion of Earth Day and environmental education projects in the classroom.