Perhaps the easiest way to find book reviews online is to consult a database specifically dedicated to the topic. Below is a list of the book review databases that the Library subscribes to, which cover broad range of years and subject matter. Many of these resources offer full-text reviews within the database, while others provide detailed citations for further research. You can check to see if the Library has full-text (online or in print) for the review by clicking on the blue Discover button within a database.
Many of the databases that the Library subscribes to include book reviews alongside journal articles and other documents. Below is the list of some of the most useful databases for finding book reviews.
If you are looking for a review of a scholarly monograph in your field, it may be best to search in a subject specific database. Most databases will have an option to limit your search to reviews.
If you want to find a database related to your subject area, take a look at this list of databases by subject.
Want to find another novel similar to the one you just read? In addition to providing reviews, readers' advisory resources can suggest books for further reading and offer additional materials, such as discussion guides, to enhance your experience of a text.
Another source for book reviews are websites that allow users to submit reviews. You may not find published reviews or professional criticism in these sources, but they can be good sources for book recommendations, or for finding some information about a lesser-known item. These sites also offer additional functionality, such as the ability to build personal collections and connect with other readers.