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Rainbow Round Table Oral History Project: Dee Michel

A portal for the Rainbow Round Table Oral History Project, hosted by the American Library Association Archives.

Interview Video

Interview Details

Dee Michel has a PhD in library and information science, and was the first male co-chair of the Gay Task Force of American Library Association from 1987-1989. He has worked on LGBT terminology for search and retrieval in information systems. In addition, Michel has contributed to the Homosaurs Vocabulary project. He is also the author numerous publications, including his most recent 2018 book, Friends of Dorothy: Why Gay Boys and Gay Men Love ​The Wizard of Oz.

Michel is an active LGBTQ+ advocate and volunteers at Boston’s Gay Community News, a member of the Boston Gay Pride Committee, and helped organize the 1979 March on Washington for Gay and Lesbian Rights.

Pronouns: He, him, his

Source: Rainbow Roundtable: GLBT Controlled Vocabularies and Classification Schemes

Source: / Friends of Dorothy: Why Gay Boys and Gay Men Love ​The Wizard of Oz



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