Welcome to the BIOE 435 Projects LibGuide.
Each BIOE 435 group is assigned a Grainger Engineering Library graduate assistant or a librarian whom they are encouraged to contact with their reference questions. One of the group's first assignments was to create a needs assessment, evaluating the background of the clinical need, including a literature review and patent search. Later sections of the written document should include reference to engineering standards. Throughout the year, groups are encouraged to arrange meetings with their assigned graduate assistant or librarian to help find and utilize the Library's resources to locate materials for their literature review and, possibly, to provide feedback on their literature review for the final written reports due at the end of BIOE 435 and BIOE 436.
Project #1 Surgical robot
Contact: Alaks, Kadet, kalaks2[at]illinois.edu
Project #2 Global health BPAP
Contact: Garner, Kitty, cgarner4[at]illinois.edu
Project #3 Vision screening headset
Contact: Hackel, Joshua, jhackel2[at]illinois.edu
Project #4 Deep learning for H&E slide reader
Contact: Howell, Katherine, khowell3[at]illinois.edu
Project #5 Global health EMR system
Contact: Lan, Haoyong, hlan3[at]illinois.edu
Project #6 Low cost MRI
Contact: Juarez, Francisco, fjuare3[at]illinois.edu
Project #7 Modular balloon catheter
Contact: Johnson, Luesoni, luesoni2[at]illinois.edu
Project #8 Degradable tympanic membrane patch
Contact: Piehl, Dennis, piehl1[at]illinois.edu
Project #9 Culture swab protector
Contact: Lechman, Ellen, ellenml2[at]illinois.edu
Project #10 Reverse syringe
Contact: Wang, Ryan, hywang3[at]illinois.edu
Project #11 Low-cost pump-controlled blood analyzer
Contact: Mischo, Bill, w-mischo[at]illinois.edu
Project #12 Health Maker Fair compression stockings
Contact: Cabada, Elisandro, cabada[at]illinois.edu
Project #13 Health Maker Fair 4 in 1 vital signs
Contact: Cabada, Elisandro, cabada[at]illinois.edu
Project #14 Pre- and post-op Patient monitoring
Contact: Wiley, Christie, cawiley[at]illinois.edu