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University Library


British Literature: Fantasy Literature

A guide to British Literature tools and resources.

Research in the Library Collection

The Library has numerous materials on science fiction and fantasy literature, ranging from encyclopedias to scholarly monographs to journal articles. Here are some subject headings that you can use in the library catalog to find materials on science fiction and fantasy literature:

Science fiction - History and criticism.

Science fiction - Authorship

Science fiction, English - History and criticism.

Science fiction, American - History and criticism.

Science fiction - Stories, plots, etc.

Fantasy fiction - History and criticism. 

For information on how to search the library catalog, see the Finding Books and How To Search pages of this guide.

Reference Sources

The Library has numerous materials on science fiction and fantasy literature, ranging from encyclopedias to scholarly monographs to journal articles. This page provides an overview of the major research resources in the Library where you can begin exploring criticism of science fiction and fantasy.

When you start your research, the best places to start are in reference resources that provide overviews of science fiction and fantasy literature: