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Firefighting: Wildland Urban Interface: Home

A wildland urban interface refers to the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development, where human-made improvements intermix with wildland fuels.

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Agencies and Associations To Know

What is the Wildland-Urban Interface?

The United States Fire Administration defines the Wildland Urban Interface (or WUI) as "the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development. It is the line, area or zone where structures and other human development meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels." In the 21st century numerous wildfires, especially in California, have devastated human settlement areas. This LibGuide presents resources for firefighters and the general public about the history of WUI fires, strategies for fighting them, efforts communities can make to prevent and mitigate their effects, and the role developing technologies such as AI and drones play in fighting them.

The Problem

"As more and more people live in and around forests, grasslands, shrub lands, and other natural areas—places referred to the wildland-urban interface, or WUI—the fire-related challenges of managing wildlands are on the increase" (USDA, Wildfire, Wildlands, and People: understanding and preparing for wildfire in the wildland-urban interface, 2013).

A wildfire approaches the line between a forest and a residential area.
This photo depicts the 2003 Cedar Fire in San Diego, CA. Sourced from the Municipality of Anchorage.

An Introductory Resource

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LibGuide created by Hannah Diny
Updated by Inga Fonder and Jeanni Floyd
Further Updates by Heather Parkin