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Firefighting: Wildland Urban Interface: Community Prevention

A wildland urban interface refers to the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development, where human-made improvements intermix with wildland fuels.

The Homeowner's Responsibility

"Preventing WUI fire disasters requires that the problem be framed in terms of home ignition potential. Because this principally involves the home ignition zone, and the home ignition zone primarily falls within private ownership, the responsibility for preventing home ignitions largely falls within the authority of the property owner"  "The Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Problem: A Consequence of the Fire Exclusion Paradigm". By Jack Cohen, 2008.

"Research around home destruction vs. home survival in wildfires point to embers and small flames as the main way that the majority of homes ignite in wildfires...There are methods for homeowners to prepare their homes to withstand ember attacks and minimize the likelihood of flames or surface fire touching the home or any attachments. Experiments, models and post-fire studies have shown homes ignite due to the condition of the home and everything around it, up to 200’ from the foundation. This is called the Home Ignition Zone (HIZ)." Preparing Homes for a Wildfire, NFPA

The Home Ignition Zone

Protect Yourself

Community Efforts