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Firefighting: Wildland Urban Interface: Evacuation

A wildland urban interface refers to the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development, where human-made improvements intermix with wildland fuels.

Evacuation - Leaving Before the Flames

"A policy often enacted during wildfire events is evacuation – assisting people to leave areas exposed to fire before the fire (and even the smoke) fronts arrive... Evacuation planning and decision-making require an understanding of the behavior of the people affected by these fire events." 

"Analyzing Risk Perception, Evacuation Decision and Delay Time: A Case Study of the 2021 Marshall Fire in Colorado" by Forrister et al., 2024.

Planning for the Future

Time to Go: Preparing and Evacuating

A car parked in a driveway facing the street, with a close up of the fuel gauge indicating a half-full tank. Text: Prepare for Wildfire Evacuation. Park your vehicle facing the street with at least half a tank of gas so you can leave quickly.

Learning from the Past

A crowd of people sits in a parking lot surrounded by houses. Flames are visible in distant trees, and the sky is covered with smoke..

Civilians and first responders sheltering in a parking lot during the Camp Fire. Credit: Technical Discussion 041 from NIST Report

What Do People Do? And Why?