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Pure Land Buddhism : Journals

A Guide to Pure Land Buddhism Research

English Journals (about Japanese Pure Land)

Japanese Journals on Pure Land (in Japanese)


Journal Title (Japanese)



武蔵野大学仏教文化研究所紀要= Journal of Institute of Buddhist Culture

Musashino Daigaku Bukkyō Bunka Kenkyū Jyokyo

Published by Musashino University annually. 

Musashino University is in Tokyo and associated with Jōdo Shin. Papers on all forms of Buddhism, but emphasis on Pure Land.  Close readings of Pure Land Sutras, Pure Land in other countries etc

佛教大学法然仏教学研究センター紀要 = Bulletin of Honen Buddhist Studies Research

Bukkyō Daigaku Honen Bukkyō Kenkyū Senta Kyo

Annual publication by Bukkyō University, in Kyoto, which is affiliated with the Jodo School of Buddhism. It is a Honen focused journal, includes many of annotated translations and interpretations of Honen’s work and Honen’s contemporaries in relation to their discourse with Honen (Myoe et, al)

親鸞教學 = The Otani journal of Shin Buddhism

Shinran Kyogaku

Published annually by Shinshu Gakkai (Shin Research Institute) which is affiliated with Otani University in Kyoto. This journal specifically focuses on Shinran, his works, life, and thought. It also includes articles that examine his effects and relate his thought to modern day issues.

真宗総合研究所研究紀要= Annual Memoirs of the Otani University Shin Buddhist Comprehensive Research Institute

Shinshu Sogo Kenkyū Jyokenkyūkyo

Published annually by Otani University. Covers a range of topics including text analysis, temple history, art etc.

真宗文化: 真宗文化研究所年報= The Bulletin of the Institute of Shin Buddhist Culture

Shinshū Bunka: Shinshū Bunka Kenkyū Jonenpou

Kyoto Kōka Women’s University Departmental Bulletin Paper. Published annually, includes dissertations from their students as well as reports from their 光華講座 (Kōka Kōza) lecture series, which occurs twice a year. Affiliated with the Otani Shin Shu Federation (Shin Buddhism). The majority of articles and lectures within their series relate to Shin Buddhism, although other topics are included.


Shinjitsu Shushin

A bulletin for Kōka university students from a lecture series that runs five times a year. The bulletin is a summary of the lecture series that has been made available for students. The entire list is fully accessible online.  It is useful for anyone currently researching trends in scholarship for Buddhism, and especially Pure Land Buddhism.

浄土真宗総合研究 = Jōdo Shinshu research

Jōdo Shinshu Kenkyu

Published annually by the Nishi Hongan-ji Research Institute, in Kyoto. Different theme for each issue. The most recent issue addressed Jōdo Shinshu and Coronavirus. The Nishi Hongan-ji Research Institute has multiple laboratories doing research on Jōdo Shinshu related topics and recruits researchers (monks or otherwise associated students, preferably those with an advanced degree in religion).

本願寺史料研究所報= The Hongan-ji Historical Materials Research Institution Bulletin

Honganji Shiryō Kenkyū Johō

Published twice a year by the Hongan-ji Research Institution in Kyoto. This journal focuses on the history of Hongan-ji and historical materials and temple treasures of Hongan-ji. Emphasis on the  preservation, and study of the materials.

宗學院論集 = The journal of Jōdo-Sinshū studies

Shūgakuin Ronshū

Published annually by Nishi Hongan-ji Temple in Kyoto. Includes public lectures that have been recorded as articles, as well as research from the temple’s students. As it is the head temple of the Jōdo Shin-shū Hongan-ji-ha sect, the journal publishes numerous articles relating to Jōdo Shin-shū. Some articles are downloadable online, as well as the table of contents for many of the issues, but the entire back list does not seem to be available online.