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University Library


Getting Started with LibGuides

This is a help guide for University Library staff in best practices for creating LibGuides.



To update your profile:

  • From the Dashboard, click on the icon at top-right corner of the Profile Box.
  • Add a new profile image: select Upload a new profile image from the Title & Image box, and then click Select New Image.
    • Upload personal photos for patrons to identify who is the contact person for the guide.
    • Upload pictures of the library to represent departments.  
    • Picture Dimensions: Max: 170(w) x 170(h) pixels.

Add Ask a Librarian Widget

Widget Code

To add an Ask a Librarian chat widget under your profile, you will:

  • From the Dashboard, click on the icon at top-right corner of the Profile Box.
  • Under Widgets, find Other Widget Code, and then click the Empty link to add widget code.
  • Copy and paste the code below:

<iframe title="Ask A Librarian" id="iwonder_client" height="240px" width="100%" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">var iwonder_css=""</script>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

  • Click the blue check icon when done.
  • The Display Options allows you to choose whether you wish to show the widget both inside the Profile Box and on the Profile Page, or Profile Page only.

Note: The Profile Page is the only place that you should manually copy and paste the Ask a Librarian chat widget code into LibGuides. If you wish to the Ask a Librarian chat widget in any other portion of your guide, you should reuse the existing Ask a Librarian widget in the system. Go to Creating Content> Adding Content/Assets> Add, Reuse & Reorder Assets section of this guide for instructions on how to reuse existing widget asset.