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University Library


Getting Started with LibGuides

This is a help guide for University Library staff in best practices for creating LibGuides.


This is a guide on how to create and make changes to your department's LibGuides. The LibGuide platform was created by Springshare. See Springshare documentation and help information in the Springshare Resources section of this page.

Intended Audience: This guide was created for library staff that need help creating LibGuides. It was developed with the intent of improving the consistency and quality of LibGuides in the library.

Content/Scope: This guide serves as an introduction to LibGuides. Common topics and problems are discussed.

What are LibGuides for?

LibGuides is a content management system specifically geared toward librarians. It is a tool to help librarians create and manage web content. When developing a guide, think about -- what function does it serve? Be clear on your purpose and then reflect on it when designing your guide structure. For example:

LibGuide as an additional resource that supplements a class/workshop, one-shot session, or the subject librarian's expertise

The goal here is to provide an introduction and starting point for what the library has to offer on the subject or for a class. In such a case, don't think of LibGuides as teaching objects that stand alone and thus have to be exhaustive. Instead, try to be concise about resources the library has and how the library is available to help.

LibGuide as a comprehensive listing of everything on a topic

If that is the case, make it clear on the home page of your guide. Otherwise, it will likely seem overwhelming to a user. The design of the guide might also include a tab of "recommended starting points" as a support for someone who is new to the topic.

Springshare Resources