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University Library


Getting Started with LibGuides

This is a help guide for University Library staff in best practices for creating LibGuides.


Widgets are basically small pieces of content from one webpage that you can put into another webpage. You can create a variety of widgets to plug in LibGuides content internally in LibGuides pages (note: except content box and guide/pages widgets) or any external websites. See below for a list of available widgets and instructions on how to create them:

How to Create Widgets
Widget Types Instructions (From Springshare Help)
Guides: share lists of guides How to Create Guide Widget
A-Z List: share lists of databases How to Create A-Z List Widget
Users: share lists of LibGuides users / authors How to Create Users Widget
Subjects: share lists of your LibGuides subject categories How to Create Subjects Widget
Tags: share lists of your LibGuides Tags How to Create Tags Widget
Content Box: share a box from one of your guides How to Create Content Box Widget
Note: DO NOT embed content box widgets into LibGuides.
Guide / Page: share a guide or page from a guide How to Create Guide / Page Widget
Note: DO NOT embed guide / page widgets into LibGuides.
Search Box: share a box that searches either (a) your guides or (b) your databases How to Create Search Box Widget

Link Checker

Access link checker report page by clicking on Tools from the orange bar at topThe Link Checker is automatically on, and it's a great (and easy) way to see if your guides contain any broken links. Each week, our link checker checks the validity of links in: Links, Book Assets, and Database.

To see the Link Checker report, click on Tools> Link Checker in the orange bar at top. You can filter the report by Owner to see the list just for your guides. 

Please note that there may be some false returns in your list of broken links. The Link Checker relies on the response from any given server at the moment when it's "pinged" for validity. There are a few possibilities as to why something might be listed as an invalid link, even though it is valid:

  • At the time when libguides server pinged that URL, it was indeed unavailable. (Server was down at the time, or was too busy serving other requests, so the request was timed out.)
  • That company/organization could have set up their server to refuse connections to any spiders, crawlers, etc. in order to save on bandwidth/resources.
  • That company/organization incorrectly set up their server response codes, meaning that the code returned was not an accurate one.

Please also note that the link checker cannot check links in the "Rich Text/HTML" area for any box type.


You can view all of your statistics reports by click Statistics in the orange bar. You can get reports filtered daily or grouped by month for a date range of your choice. You can export the statistics charts to PNG/JPEG/SVG/PDF, and export the tables to Excel, PDF, or print them.

Guide Statistics Reports

Click on Guides tab and then select " *All My Guides* " from the dropdown menu to check statistics on all your guides. You can also filter the results by publication status. To see a detailed report on each page within a guide, click the guide's title from the table in guide statistics report.

Guide statistics reports screen

Page and Guide-Level Asset Reports

After selecting a guide, you'll see a list of pages in the guide, and how many hits each page received. You can also click the Assets button (at the top, under the tab name) to see a list of all the assets used on this guide, and how many hits each asset has acquired. If you click the asset ID, you can also see how many times that asset in particular has been clicked across all of LibGuides.