The following finding aids are included on this page.
Voice: (248) 848-3700
Fax: (248) 848-3701
Address: 38800 Country Club Dr., Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3439, USA
ACI Proceedings are published in the ACI Journal. Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
ACI Bibliography | 016.66689Am35a | 1958 - 1979 |
ACI Directory | 666.06Amac | 1989 |
ACI Journal | Q.666.06Ame | 1905 - 1986 |
ACI Materials Journal | 620.1105Acim | 1987 - 2011 |
ACI Structural Journal | 624.105Acis | 1987 - 2010 |
ACI Manual of Concrete Practice | 691.3Am3am Year:Part | 2013 - 2014 (Part1-7) |
ACI Monograph | 666.89Am35m | 1964 - 1977 |
Cement and Concrete Research | 620.1305Ce | 1971 - 2006 Print cancelled |
Concrete International | 693.505Coi1 | 1990 - 2011 Print cancelled |
Concrete International Design and Construction | 693.505Coi | 1979 - 1990 Print cancelled |
Special Publication or Publication SP | 666.89Am35s | 1958 - date |
ACI Standards * | 691.3Am3a | 1946 - 1966 |
Phone: (212) 869-7440
Address: 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York, NY 10121-0701
Select CONFERENCES are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
ACM Computer Science Conference | 004C73951P 004C7395P1987 004As78N 001.64Ac64 |
1996 - date 1987 1979 1975,1983 |
ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference | 510.78D46p1a 510.78D46p1 510.78D46p 510.78D46oz |
1993 - date 1981 - 1992 1975 - 1980 1965 - 1974 |
ACM Proceedings of the Annual Conference | 510.84As7p 510.84As7oz 510.84As7oy 510.84As7ox |
1975 - 1985 1970 - 1974 1964 - 1969 1952 - 1963 |
International Conference on Software Engineering | 001.64N213p1 001.64N213p |
1976 - date 1975 |
International Conference on Very Large Data Bases | 001.64In84p1 001.64In84p |
1987 - 2003 1975 - 1986 |
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
ACM Computing Surveys | 001.6405Cos 001.6405Corz |
v.3 (1971) - date 1969 - 1970 |
ACM Guide to Computing Literature | 016.00164B471a | 1996 - 1997 ENX 1970 - 1996 |
Collected Algorithms from CACM | 511.8As78c | 1960 - 1998 ENX |
Communications of the ACM | 510.8405Asc | 1958 - date |
Interactions | 004.019In85 | 1995 - date |
Journal of the ACM | 001.6405Joc | 1954 - date |
National Colloquium on Information Retrieval | 010.78N214n | 1964 - 1973 |
Select SYMPOSIUMS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages | 001.6424Ac64c | 1976 - 2000 |
ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing | 519.4Ac6c1a 519.4Ac6c1 519.4Ac6c |
1982 - date 1980 - 1981 1969 - 1979 |
Simulation Symposium | 510.84P944 | 1972 - 2004 |
International Symposium on Computer Architecture | 621.38195Sy682p1b 621.38195Sy682p1a 621.38195Sy682p1 621.38195Sy682p |
1989 - date 1983 - 1988 1975 - 1982 1973 |
Select ACM TRANSACTIONS ON... are provided in the table below.
The ACM Member's Guide to the Internet
Special Interest Group (SIG) home pages are provided below.
The SIGCHI HCI Bibliography -
ACM Student Chapter -
The Science and Technology Organization (STO) was formed in 2012. It replaced the Research & Technology Organization (RTO), which was formed by a merger of AGARD (NATO Advisory Group fro Aerospace Research and Development) and DRG (Defence Research Group) on January 1, 1998.
1969-1976 (bound) 1977-1987 (unbound)
Each year has 2 issues:
Indexed by:
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
AGARD Advisory Report (AGARD-AR-) |
629.4N81ad | v.1 (1965) - v.356 (1998) |
AGARD Conference Proceedings (AGARD-CP-) |
629.4N81a mfiche629.4N81a |
no.1 (1968) - no.602 (1998) 1992 |
AGARD Lecture Series (AGARD-LS-) |
look in online catalog for individual items |
AGARDograph (AGARD-AG-) | 629.13N813a mfiche629.13N813a |
no.1 (1954) - no.336 (1998) 1992 |
AGARD Report (AGARD-R-) | 629.13072N81r | v.1 (1955) - v.811 (1996) |
Toll Free Customer Service: 800-639-2422
General Information: 703-264-7500
FAX: 703-264-7551
Address: 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500
Reston, VA 20191-4344
629Am35f (Oak Street) -- 1981-1997
Indexed by:
IAA (International Aerospace Abstracts) 629.1305Inte (1961-2001 [cancelled in 2001]) included aeronautical, astronautical and space science related histories, biographies, and histories or broad overviews of NASA Programs. Covered all AIAA meeting papers.
Select JOURNALS are provided in the table below.
AIAA Journal Online | ||
Name | Call Number | Date |
629.1305AIAJ | 1963-date 2001-date (Online) |
Journal of Aerospace Computing, Information, and Communication | 2005-date | |
Journal of Aircraft | 629.43305JO | 1964-date 1996-date (Online) |
Journal of Propulsion and Power | Q. 629.47505 JO | 1985-date 1996-date (Online) |
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 629.405 JO | 1964-date 1996-date (Online) |
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer | Q. 536.205 JO | 1987-date 1996-date (Online) |
AIAA Paper | 629.4Am35a | 1983-date 1996-date |
mfiche629.4Am35a | 1973-1982 | |
mfiche711.4Ur19c | 1971 |
Some AIAA papers only appear as part of a conference proceeding - see "Selected AIAA meeting papers" for locations of these proceedings.
Select AIAA MEETING PAPERS are provided in the table below.
Online Resource | ||
AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference | 629.133Ae82c + year | 8th (1984) - |
AIAA Aerodynamic Testing Conference | 629.1323Ai1p + year | 9th, 14th, 15th |
AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference | 629.1323Ai113c + year | 4th (1986) - |
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference | 629.1323Ai1122 | 11th (1984) - |
AIAA International Communication Satellite Systems Conference AIAA Communication Satellite Systems Conference AIAA Communications Satellite Systems Conference (published as part of the "Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics" series) |
629.435Ai113c + year 629.435Ai113c + year 629.4P943 |
1990 - date 1986 - 1988 1966 - 1976
AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference | 620.1064Ai11c | 1983 - |
AIAA Computers in Aerospace Conference | 629.10285Ai11c + year | 1983 - |
Digital Avionics Systems Conference (AIAA/IEEE) | 629.1355D569 + year | 1979, 1983 - |
AIAA Flight Simulation Technologies Conference | 629.13252Ai12c | 1983 - 1997 |
AIAA Guidance, (Navigation) and Control Conference | 629.1325Ai11c + year | 1980, 1983 - |
AIAA Lighter-Than-Air Systems Conference | 629.1332Ai11c | 1983 - |
AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference & Exhibit | 629.13252Ai13c + year | 1998 - |
AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference | 629.1Ai12c | 1979 - |
One of the precursors to AIAA was the:
Progress in Astronautics and Rocketry Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics |
629.4P943 + (Analyzed) | |
ARS Journal | 629.13305As | 1 (1960) - 108, 110 - 178 (1998) |
Phone: (303) 325-5185
Fax: (888) 702-0049
Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME)
The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS)
Association for Iron and Steel Technology (AIST)
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Select INDEXES are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
General Index to Petroleum Publications of the AIME, 1921-1952 | 016.6655Am35g (STX) | |
(SPE Index) General Index to Publications of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1981-85 | q.016.6223382G286 (Oak Street) |
Select JOURNALS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
Iron & steel technology | 669.105IST | v.1 (2004) - date |
AISE steel technology (Iron and steel engineer) | 621.305IR1 621.305IR |
76 (1999) - 80 (2003) 1 (1924) - 76 (1999) |
Iron & Steelmaker | 669.105Iro | 13 (1986) - 30 (2003) |
Journal of Electronic Materials | 621.38105Jo | 1 (1972) - 35 (2006) [print cancelled] 1997 - 2007 |
Journal of Metals (JOM) | 669.05Jo 669.05Jo1 |
41 (1989) - (2006) 1996 - date |
Journal of Petroleum Technology | 665.505Jo | 1 (1949) - 43 (1991) |
Mining Engineering | q.622.05Mie | 1 (1949) - 47 (1995) |
SPE Drilling Engineering | q.622.2305Spe | 1 (1986) - 7 (1992) |
SPE Formation Evaluation | q.622.105Spe | 1 (1986) - 5 (1990) |
SPE Journal |
622.338205So 622.338205So1 |
1 (1961) - 19 (1979) 20 (1980) - 25 (1985) |
SPE Production Engineering | q.622.338205Spep | 1 (1986) - 7 (1992) |
SPE Reservoir Engineering | q.627.8605Spe | 1 (1986) - 12 (1997) |
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers: Transactions | 622.06 AI | 1871-1977 |
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, Physical metallurgy and materials science B, Process metallurgy and materials processing science |
669.05Mta 669.05Mta1 669.05Mtb 669.05Mtb1 |
1975 - 1993 1994 - 2006 1975 - 1993 1996-date (Online) |
Transactions of the Iron and Steel Society of AIME | Q.669.105TR |
Voice: (202) 293-8020
Fax: (202) 293-9287
Standards are located in the 2nd Floor, West by the standard number (620Am33a).
Standards are arranged by:
For more information on searching for standards see Standards Information.
(Name changed from ASAE [American Society of Agricultural Engineers])
Voice: (269)429-0300
Fax: (269) 429-3852
016.631C738 (1985 - date) continues as Comprehensive Index of ASAE Publications (1971-1984)
Name | Call Number | Date |
Applied Engineering in Agriculture | 631.3Ap58 | 1 (1985) - date |
Winter Meeting | 631.3Am35w | 1982-1992 |
Summer Meeting | 631.3Am35s | 1983-1993 |
ASABE Standards | Q.630.15Ag841A Q.630.15Ag841 c2 |
2006 - date 1984 - date |
Transactions of the ASABE (continues Transactions of the ASAE) |
Q.630.1506 Ama1 Q.630.1506 Ama |
v.49 (2006) - date 1 (1958) - date |
Transactions of the ASAE. Soil and water | Q. 630.1506 AMAS | v.20(1977)-v.43(2000) |
Voice: (800)548-2723
Address: 1801 Alexander Bell Drive016.624As22 -- 1982 - date
was ASCE Combined Index -- 016.624As21 -- 1930-date
subject index (one article may have multiple listings)
author index (first author listed only)
620.5Asc1 -- 1966-1995 (bimonthly)
Was known as ASCE Publication Abstracts until 1982. Each issue gives contents of current journals, special publications, manuals, and reports.
abstracts of all articles
author and subject index
Name | Call Number | Date |
Civil Engineering | q.620.5Ci | 1 (1930/31) - date |
...Aerospace Engineering | 629.105Jou | 1 (1988) - date |
...Architectural Engineering | 690.05Jo | 1 (1995)-date |
...Bridge Engineering | 624.205Jo | 1 (1996)- date |
...Cold Regions Engineering | 624.0911J826 | 1 (1987) - date |
...Composites for Construction | 624.1805Jo | 1 (1997) - date |
...Computing in Civil Engineering | 624.0285J826 | 1 (1987) - date |
...Construction Eng. & Management was Journal of the Construction Division |
620.6Cepco1 620.6Cepco |
109 (1983) - date 83 (1957) - 108 (1982) |
...Energy Engineering was Journal of the Energy Division was Journal by ASCE. Power Division |
620.6Ceppo1a 620.6Ceppo1 620.6Ceppo |
109 (1983) - date 105 (1979) - 108 (1982) 82 (1956) - 104 (1978) |
...Engineering Mechanics was Journal of the Eng. Mechanics Div. |
620.6Cepem1 620.6Cepem |
109 (1983) - date 83 (1957) - 108 (1982) |
...Environmental Engineering was Journal of the Environmental Eng. Division |
620.6Cepsa1 620.6Cepsa |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Eng. was Journal of Geotechnical Engineering was Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division |
620.6Cepsm1a 620.6Cepsm1 620.6Cepsm |
123 (1997) - date 109 (1983) - 122 (1996) 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Hydraulic Engineering was Journal of the Hydraulics Division |
620.6Cephy1 620.6Cephy |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Hydrologic Engineering | 551.4805Joh | 1 (1996) - date |
...Infrastructure Systems | 620.005Joi | 1 (1995) - date |
...Irrigation and Drainage Eng. was Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division |
620.6Cepir1 620.6Cepir |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Management in Engineering | 620.0068J825 | 1 (1985) - date |
...Materials in Civil Engineering | 620.1105Jou | 1 (1989) - date |
...Performance of Constructed Facilities | 721.05Jo | 1 (1987) - date |
...Prof. Issues in Eng. Ed. and Practice was Journal of Professional Issues in Eng. was Issues in Engineering |
624.05Is1a 624.05Is1 624.05Is |
117 (1991) - date 109 (1983) - 116 (1990) 105 (1979) - 108 (1982) |
...Structural Engineering was Journal of the Structural Division |
620.6Cepst1 620.6Cepst |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Surveying Engineering was Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Division |
620.6Cepsu1 620.6Cepsu |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Transportation Engineering was Transportation engineering journal of ASCE |
620.6Cept1 620.6Cept |
109 (1983) - date 95 (1969) - 108 (1982) |
...Urban Planning and Development was Journal of the Urban...Development Division |
620.6Cepcp1 620.6Cepcp |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
...Water Resources Planning and Mgmt. was Journal of the Water Resources...Mgmt. Division |
620.6Cepwr1 620.6Cepwr |
109 (1983) - date 102 (1976) - 108 (1982) |
...Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Eng. was Journal of the Waterway, Port...Ocean Division |
620.6Cepww1 620.6Cepww |
109 (1983) - date 82 (1956) - 108 (1982) |
Natural Hazards Review | 363.34705Na | 1 (2000) - date |
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Mgmt. | 363.728705PR | 1 (1997) - date |
Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Constr. | 624.177105Pr | 1 (1996) - date |
620.6Cep -- 50 - 81 (1955)
620.6Ce -- 1 (1872) - date
Many ASCE standards are ANSI-approved and are located under ANSI/ASCE on the 2nd Floor, West
Phone: (404) 636-8400
Fax: (404) 321-5478
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
ASHRAE Composite Index of Technical Articles | 016.697As36 | 1959 - 1987 |
ASHRAE Handbook | Q.697Am35a1 Year | most recent online, 2007 - 2011 in reference section |
ASHRAE Journal | 697.05As | 1 (1959) - date |
ASHRAE Transactions | 697.06Ames | 1 (1895) - date |
Many ASHRAE standards are ANSI-approved and are located under ANSI/ASHRAE on the 2nd Floor, West (620Am33a).
Voice: (440) 338-5151 or (800) 336-5152
9639 Kinsman RoadSelect PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
Advanced Materials and Processes (incorporating Metal Progress) |
620.1105Ad | 130 (1986) - date (uses numbering of Metal Progress) |
ASM Handbook | 669.1Am35m1 | ENX 10th ed. |
ASM Transactions | 669.106Am | 1(1920) - 62 (1969) |
ASM Translations Index | 016.671Am3a 016.671Am3a1 |
1977-1980 1980-1990 at STX |
Engineering Materials Handbook | Q.620.11En33 | ENX |
International Materials Reviews | Q.669.05Int1 | 32 (1987) - date |
Journal of Heat Treating | 671.3605Jo | 2 (1981) - 9 (1992) |
Journal of Materials Engineering was Journal of Materials for Energy Systems |
620.105Jome1 620.105Jome |
9 (1988) - 13 (1991) 1 (1979) - 8 (1987) |
Journal of Materials Engineering & Performance | 620.1105Ju | 1 (1992) - date |
Journal of Materials Shaping Technology was Journal of Applied Metalworking |
671.305Jou1 671.305Jou |
5 (1987) - 9 (1991) 2 (1981) - 4 (1987) |
Journal of Phase Equilibria was Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams |
669.9405Jr 669.94B874 |
[Print cancelled v.27(2006)] 12 (1991) - date 1 (1980) - 11 (1990) |
Advanced Materials & Processes was Metal Progress |
620.1105 AD Q.669.105Me |
130 (1986) - date 18 (1930) - 120 (1981) |
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, A Metallurgical and Materials Transactions, B Metallurgical Transactions, A Metallurgical Transactions, B Metallurgical Transactions |
669.05MTA1 669.05MTB1 669.05MTA 669.05MTB 669.05MT |
25 (1994) - date 25 (1994) - date 6 (1975) - 24 (1993) 6 (1975) - 24 (1993) 1 (1970) - 5 (1974) |
Metals Handbook | 669.1Am35m1998 | 2nd ed. in reference section |
Nondestructive Testing Handbook | 620.1127M22n | ENX |
Solidification: papers presented at a seminar of the ASM, October 11 and 12, 1969 | 669.94am35 |
Phone: (800) 843-2763 (U.S/Canada)
Address: Two Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990
620.6Me2so -- 1880-1956 (1 vol.), 1957-1980
*publications by subject
*standards, codes by number
*papers by author
620.6Me -- 1957-1970 (1 volume)
621As54 -- 1983-2000
(GT, WA, HT, PVP, PWR, PET, FE, DGP, APM, DET, NE, JPGC, PROB... maybe more)
Name | Call Number | Volume | Subgroup |
AD - Aerospace | 629.1Ad12 + | v.14- | ANE-3689 |
AES - Advanced Energy Systems | 621.042Ad952 + | v.8- | AMZ-8654 |
AMD - Applied Mechanics | 620.1Am27 + | v.101 - | AND-9889 |
BED - Bioengineering | 610.28B522 + | v.14- | AMZ-8758 |
CED - Computer Engineering | 620.00285C7392 | v.3- | AMZ-8708 |
CRTD - Center for Research & Technology Development | 600C887 | v.15- | ANE-5902 |
DE - Design Engineering | 610.28 D46M | v.1 | |
621.811 C76R | v.2 | ||
620.3 C762M | v.3 | ||
620.3 C76V | v.4 | ||
620.3 C762R | v.5 | ||
621.406 C76B | v.6 | ||
620.3 C76M1987 | v.7 | ||
620.3 C762A | v.8 | ||
620.00452 F149F1987 | v.9 | ||
620.00425 D4603A | v.10 | ||
629.23 AM35T | v.11 | ||
610.28 AM352N1987 | v.12 | ||
612.044 AM35B | v.13 | ||
629.892 T722 | v.15 | ||
620.001519 F149F1989 | v.16 | ||
620.00420285 IN8D | v.17 | ||
621.811 C76R1989 | v.18-1 | ||
621.811 C762M | v.18-2 | ||
624.171 C76S | v.18-3 | ||
620.3 C762V | v.18-4 | ||
620.3 C76D | v.18-5 | ||
620.00425 D4603A1989 | v.19 | ||
620.0042D34 | v.20- | ANE-0442 | |
DSC - Dynamic Systems & Control | 629.8D989 | v.13- | AMZ-8653 |
EC - Joint Power Generation Conference | 621.4023 J6683C | v.1 | |
621.3121 IN81991 | v.2 | ||
621.312 IN8P1995 | v.3 | ||
621.312 IN8P1996 | v.4 | ||
621.312 IN8P1997 | v.5 | ||
EEP - Electrical and Electronic Packaging | 621.381046EE68 + | v.2 - | AWF-1722 |
FACT - Fuels & Combustion Technologies | 621.4023F952 | v.6- | AMZ-8895 |
FED - Fluids Engineering | 620.106F6734 | v.83- | AMZ-8587 |
FPST - Fluid Power & System Technology | 621.106F6735 | v.1- | AYO-9283 |
HTD - Heat Transfer | 621.4022H352 | v.106- | AMM-5234 |
ICE - Internal Combustion Engine | 621.43 IN81E | v.1 | |
621.43 B292 | v.3 | ||
621.43 In81e1988 | v.4 | ||
629.25 AD9 | v.5 | ||
621.43 B2921989 | v.6 | ||
629.2506 EN334C | v.7 | ||
621.43In82 | v.8- | ANA-2337 | |
ISPS - Information Storage and Processing Systems Division | 621IS7 | v.1 - date | AZP-7020 |
MED - Manufacturing Engineering Division | 670M467 + | v.1,4,6,8,10 | AZY-3062 |
621.86M5791 | v.2,9 | ||
621.381046Ee68 | v.3 | ||
620.0042D34 | v.5,7 | ||
MET - Mechanical engineering | 621.8 M565 + | v.1- | |
MD - Materials | 620.11M4182 | v.14- | AMZ-8980 |
MGT - Management of Energy Activity for Profit Symposium | 338.2 M311M | v.1 | |
658.26 EN272M | v.2 | ||
303.483 T782 v.5 | v.3 | ||
MH - Materials Handling | 621.86M5791 | v.2-3,5- | AYP-1419 |
NCA - Noise Control & Acoustics | 532.517 AM35S | v.1 | |
620.1064 AM35I | v.2 | ||
624.171 ST29 | v.3 | ||
621.4022 H352 | v.4 | ||
620.23N6982 | v.5- | AMZ-8655 | |
620.23 N6982 + | v.31- | ||
NDE - Non-Destructive Evaluation Engineering Division | 620.1127N732 | v.4 - date | AMZ-8709 |
NE - Nuclear Engineering | 621.48N8838 | v.3- | AMZ-8901 |
OED - Ocean Engineering Division | 620.4162OE3 | v.11 - date | BBA-9519 |
PD - Petroleum | 665.5P4485 | v.27- | ANA-2294 |
PED - Production Engineering | 670P942 | v.37- | AMZ-8570 |
PVP - Pressure Vessels and Piping | 620P926 | v. 154- | AMM-5688 |
PWR - Power | 621.4P872 + | v.5- | AMZ-8745 |
RTD - Railroad Transportation | 625.21 Am35r | v.1 | |
625.2 AM35A | v.2 | ||
621.33R819 | v.3- | ANE-0812 | |
SED - Solar Energy | 621.47Se27 | v.8- | ANE-3901 |
TED - Textile Engineering Division | 677.028 AS54T | v.1 | |
677 T228 + | v.2- | ||
TRIB - Tribology Division | 621.89T7322 + | v.1-7,9- | AVO-7122 |
earlier volumes in these series are also available - search the online catalog for the individual volume title
Name | Call Number | Volume |
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics | 629.8905Ie | 1 (1996) - date |
Applied Mechanics Reviews | 620.5 APM | v.1(1948)-v.61(2008) Lacking v.55, v.56 |
Journal of Applied Mechanics | 620.5Jo | 1 (1933) -date |
Journal of Basic Engineering | 620.6Meser.d | 81 (1959) - 94 (1972) |
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering | 620.6Meser.k | 99 (1977) - date |
Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics | 621.8105 JOC | v.1(2006) - date |
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering | 620.00285 J826 | v.1(2001) - date |
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control | 620.6Meser.g | 93 (1971) - date |
Journal of Electronic Packaging | Q. 621.38104605 JO | v.111(1989)-- date |
Journal of Energy Resources Technology | 620.6Mee | 101 (1979) - date |
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power | Q.620.6Me1ser.a | 106 (1984) - date |
Journal of Engineering for Industry | 620.6Meser.b | 81 (1959) - 118:1 (1996) |
Journal of Engineering for Power | 620.6Meser.a | 81 (1959) - 105 (1983) |
Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology | 620.6Meser.h | 95 (1973) - date |
Journal of Fluids Engineering | 620.6Meser.i | 95 (1973) - date |
Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology | 621.31242905 JO | v.1(2004) - date |
Journal of Heat Transfer | 620.6Meser.c | 81 (1959) - date |
Journal of Lubrication Technology | 620.6Meser.f | 89 (1967) - 105 (1983) |
Journal of Manufacturing Science & Engineering | Q.620.6Me1 Ser. B | 118 (1996)- date |
Journal of Mechanical Design | 620.6Med | 100 (1978)- 104 (1982) |
Journal of Mechanical Design | Q.620.005Jou1 | 112 (1990) - date |
Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics | 629.89205 JOU | v.1(2009)- date |
Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions and Automation in Design | 620.005Jou | 105 (1983) - 111 (1989) |
Journal of Medical Devices | 610.28405 JO | v.1(2007)-date |
Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering | Q.620.4105Tr | 109 (1987) - date |
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology | 620.6Meser.j | 96 (1974) - date |
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering | 621.4705Jo | 102 (1980) - date |
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications | 621.40205 JT | v.1(2009)-date |
Journal of Tribology | 620.6Meser.f1 | 106 (1984) - date |
Journal of Turbomachinery | Q.620.6Mea | 108 (1986) - date |
Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress and Reliability in Design | 620.00405Jo | 105 (1983) - 111 (1989) |
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics | Q.620.00405Jo1 | 112 (1990) - date |
Manufacturing Review | 670.4205MA | 1 (1988) - 8 (1995) |
Mechanical Engineering | 620.6Mej | 28 (1907) - date |
Transactions of the ASME | 620.6Me | 1 (1880) - 80 (1958) |
ASME Wind Energy Symposium | 621.45As54a (Analyzed: 621.47 SE27 v.11, 621.47 SE27 v.12, 621.47 SE27 v.16) |
1982 - date |
PVP Standards (Pressure Vessel Piping) | 620P926 | 1983 - date |
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes | q.621.1Am33a | 1986-1994 |
Many ASME standards are ANSI-approved and are located under ANSI/ASME on the 2nd Floor, West
Voice: (877) 909-2786
Address: 100 Barr Harbor Drive620.6Am 1899-1975
Please go to ASTM Digital Library
For Annual book of ASTM standards, please search by using call number 620.6Amas
(ASTM STP's) DBCN -- AXF-0935
all shelved together under 620.1Am32sp 1911-date
620.6Amct -- 1921-1960
Name | Call Number | Date |
Cement, Concrete, and Aggregates | Q.620.13505C332 | 1 (1979) - 25 (2003) |
Geotechnical Testing Journal | Q.620.19105Ge | 14 (1991) - date |
Journal of Composites Technology & Research | Q.620.11805Jo | 12 (1990) - 25 (2003) |
Journal of Testing and Evaluation | 620.105Jot | 1 (1973) - date |
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Subgroup | Call Number | Date |
COA Note Aero | STX | Q.629.1323c89c | 1954-1955,1963-1969 |
COA Note E & C | STX | 629.8c89c | 1963-1969 |
COA Note M & P | STX | 621.9c89c | 1963-1969 |
COA Note Mat | STX | Q.620.1C89co | 1963-1969 |
COA Report Aero | ENX | Q.629.1323c89r | 1946 (v.1) - 1969 (v.211) |
COA Report Mat | STX | 620.1C89cm | 1966-1968 |
COA Report E&C | STX | Q.629.8C89co | 1964-1966 |
COA Report M&P | STX | 621.9C89co | (unbound) |
Cranfield Fluidics Conference Proceedings | ENX | mfiche621.26C85p | 1975 (v.7) |
Flight Test Instrumentation: Proceedings | Oak Street | 629.135ae84 | v.1 (1960) - v.3 (1964) |
International Aerospace Instrumentation Symposium - Proceedings | Oak Street | 629.135ae841 | v.4 (1966) - v.8 (1975) |
Organization name changed from IEE (Institution of Electrical Engineers).
Physics Abstracts and Electrical and Electronics Abstracts (Oak Street and STX) are paper editions of INSPEC.
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
IEE News | 621.305Ine | |
IEE Review was Electronics and Power |
Q.621.305Inso1 621.305 INSO |
34 (1988) - date 1 (1955) - 33 (1987) |
Name | Call Number | Date | |
For earlier years, see 537.06In (split into parts in 1979) | |||
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems Circuits, Devices, and Systems Circuits, Devices, and Systems (Part G) Electronic Circuits and Systems (Part G) IEE Journal on Electronic Circuits and Systems |
Q.621.381505ie1a Q.621.381505Ie1 Q.621.381505Ie 621.305Ieeg 621.38105Ins |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) – 153 (2006) 136 (1989) - 140 (1993) 127 (1980) - 135 (1988) 1 (1976) - 3 (1979) |
IET Communications Communications Communications, Speech, and Vision (Part I) Solid-State and Electron Devices (Part I) IEE Journal on Solid-State and Electron Devices |
Q.621.38205ie1a Q.621.38205Ie1 Q.621.38205Ie 621.305Ieei 621.38105Insee |
1 (2007) - date 142 (1994) – 153 (2006) 136 (1989) - 140 (1993) 127 (1980) - 135 (1988) 1 (1976) - 3 (1979) |
IET Computers & Digital Techniques Computers and Digital Techniques Computers and Digital Techniques (Part E) IEE Journal on Computers and Digital Techniques |
Q.621.305ieee1a Q.621.305Ieee1 621.305Ieee 621.3819505In |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) – 153 (2006) 127 (1980) - 140 (1993) 1 (1978) - 2 (1979) |
IET Control Theory & Applications Control Theory and Applications Control Theory and Applications (Part D) |
Q.621.305Ieed1a Q.621.305Ieed1 621.305Ieed |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) – 153 (2006) 127 (1980) - 140 (1993) |
IET Electric Power Applications Electric Power Applications Electric Power Applications (Part B) IEE Journal on Electric Power Applications |
Q.621.305Ieeb1a Q.621.305Ieeb1 621.305Ieeb 621.305Inee |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) – 153 (2006) 127 (1980) - 140 (1993) 1 (1978) - 2 (1979) |
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Generation, Transmission, and Distribution (Part C) |
Q.621.305Ieec1a Q.621.305Ieec1 621.305Ieec |
1 (2007) - date 142 (1995) – 153 (2006) 127 (1980) - 140 (1993) |
Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation (Part H) Microwaves, Optics and Antennas (Part H) IEE Journal on Microwaves, Optics and Acoustics |
Q.621.305Ieeh1 621.305Ieeh 621.305Ieeh 621.38105Inse |
141 (1994) - date 133 (1986) - 140 (1993) 127 (1980) - 132 (1985) 1 (1976) - 3 (1979) |
IET Optoelectronics Optoelectronics Optoelectronics (Part J) |
Q. 621.305 IEEJ1a Q.621.305Ieej1 Q.621.305Ieej |
1 (2007) - 4 (2010) 141 (1994) - date 132 (1985) - 140 (1993) |
IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation Radar, Sonar, and Navigation Radar and Signal Processing (Part F) Communication, Radar, and Signal Processing (Part F) |
Q.621.3805Int1a Q.621.3805Int1 Q.621.3805Int 621.305Ieef |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) – 153 (2006) 136 (1989) - 140 (1993) 127 (1980) - 135 (1988) |
IET Science, Measurement & Technology Science, Measurement, and Technology Science, Measurement, and Technology (Part A) Physical Science, Measurement and Instrumentation, Management and Education, Reviews (Part A) |
Q.621.305Ieea1b Q.621.305Ieea1a 621.305Ieea1 621.305Ieea |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) - 153 (2006) 138 (1991) - 141 (1994) 127 (1980) - 137 (1990) |
IET Software Software Software Engineering |
Q.005.105So1b Q.005.105So1a Q.005.105So1 |
1 (2007) - date 145 (1998) – 153 (2006) 144 (1997) |
IET Image Processing Vision, Image, and Signal Processing |
Q.621.382205Iee Q.621.382205Iee |
1 (2007) - date 141 (1994) – 153 (2006) |
IEE Control Engineering Series | Cataloged Separately | |
IEE Digital Electronics and Computing Series | Cataloged Separately | |
IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series | Cataloged Separately | |
IEE Medical Electronics Monographs | 610.78In7i | 7 (1974) - 33 (1979) |
IEE Telecommunications Series | 621.38In72i | 1 (1975) - date |
Control & Automation Computing & Control Engineering Journal |
Q.629.8905co1 Q.629.8905co |
18 (2008) – date 3 (1992) – 18 (2007) |
Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal | Q.621.384105el | 1 (1989) - 9(1997) |
Manufacturing Manufacturing Engineer |
621.706in1a 621.706in1 |
86:3(Jun/Jul 2007) – date 68:5 (1989:May) - 86:3 (2007: June) |
Power Engineer Power Engineering Journal |
Q.621.3105pow1 Q.621.3105pow |
17 (2003) – date 2:6 (1988) - 16 (2002) |
Index to IEEE Publications 016.6213In7i (Oak Street) 1951-1992
source list indexed by: author, subject
IEEExplore 1988-date
Provides full-text access to IEEE transactions, journals, magazines and conference proceedings published since 1988 and all current IEEE standards.
ANSI/IEEE standards (620Am33a) and IEEE standards (621.3In73i) are located on the 2nd Floor, West.
Proceedings of the IEEE 621.36306in
Proceedings IRE 621.36306In
Voice: +44 (0)20 7470 4800
Fax: +44 (0)20 7470 4848
Name | Call Number | Date |
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General | 530.6Psec.A | 1 (1968) - date |
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics |
530.6Psec.B1 530.6Psec.B |
21 (1988) - date 2 (1969) - 20 (1987) |
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics |
530.405Jo 530.6Psec.C 669.9405Jo |
1 (1989) - date 1 (1968) - 21 (1988) 1 (1971) - 18 (1988) |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | 530.5Br 530.5BrSer.2 |
1 (1950) - 18 (1967) 1 (1968) - date |
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics |
530.6Psec.G1 530.6Psec.G |
15 (1989) - date 1 (1975) - 14 (1988) |
New Journal of Physics | Online only | |
Astronomical Journal | Q. 520.5 A | v.1(1847) - date |
Astrophysical Journal | 520.5 AS | v. 1 (1895) - date |
Astrophysical Journal Letters | ||
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 523 As89 | v. 1 (1954:Mar.) - date Print cancelled 2007 |
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics | Q. 620.1105 BI | v.2(2007) - date |
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics | Online only | |
Chinese Physics | 530.05Ch | 1 (1981) - 12 (1992) |
Chinese Physics Letters | 530.05Chi | 1 (1984) - 10 (1993) |
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 531.105Cl | 1 (1984) - date |
Combustion Theory and Modelling | 541.36105Co | 1 (1997) - date |
Distributed Systems Engineering | q.004.3605di | 6 (1999) - date |
Environmental Research Letters | Online only | |
European Journal of Physics | 530.05Eu | 1 (1980) - date |
Europhysics Letters | 530.05Eup | 1 (1986) - date |
Fluid Dynamics Research | 532.005 FL | v.3(1988)-v.38(2006) Print cancelled |
High Performance Polymers (Sage) | 668.905Hi | 11 (1999) - 14(2002) |
Inverse Problems | 515.3505In | 1 (1985) - date |
Izvestiya: Mathematics | 510.5 AK21 | v.40(1993)-v.71(2007) Print cancelled 2007 |
Journal of Breath Research | Online only | |
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics | Online only | |
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering | Online only | v.1(2004) - date |
Journal of High Energy Physics | Online only | 1997 - date |
Journal of Instrumentation | Online only | v.1(2006) - date |
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering | q.530.4105jo | 1:3-4 (1991), 9 (1999) - date |
Journal of Neural Engineering | Q. 610.2805 JNE | v.2(2005) - date |
Journal of Optics | q.535.05No1 q.535.05No |
8(1977) - 24(1993) 1(1970) - 7(1976) |
Journal of Radiological Protection |
Online only |
v.8(1988) - date |
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: T & M | Online only | March 2004 - date |
Measurement Science and Technology Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments |
q.530.805ma 530.805JousSer.2 |
1 (1990) - date 1 (1968) - 22 (1989) |
Metrologia | 389.05 ME | v.1(1965) - 25(1988). Cancelled |
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering | 620.11015118Mo | 7 (1999) - date |
Nanotechnology | q.620.5Na | 10 (1999) - date |
Network: Computation in Neural Systems | 006.305Ne | 1 (1990) - date |
Nonlinearity | 515.05Non | 1 (1988) - date |
Nuclear Fusion | 539.76405 NU | v.1(1961) - date |
Physica Scripta | 530.5 PHYSCR | v. 1-2 (1970) - date |
Physical Biology | Online only | |
Physics Education | 530.705Ph | 1 (1966) - date |
Physics in Medicine and Biology | 610.5Phy | 1 (1956/57) - 38 (1993) |
Physics-Uspekhi Soviet Physics, Uspekhi |
Q. 530.5 US21 530.5 US2 |
v.36(1993)-37(1994) v.1(1958)-35(1992) |
Physiological Measurement | Online only | |
Physics World | 530.05Ph | 1 (1988) - date |
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Plasma Physics |
539.705Pl1 539.705Pl |
26 (1984) - 33 (1991) 1 (1959) - 25 (1983) |
Plasma Science and Technology | Online only | v.1(1999) - date |
Plasma Sources Science and Technology | q.530.4405Pl | 8 (1999) - date |
Proceedings of the Physical Society | 530.6P | 1874-1967 |
Reports on Progress in Physics | 530.4P56r | 1 (1934) - date |
Russian Chemical Reviews | 540.5 US2 | v.29(1960) - date |
Russian Mathematical Surveys | 510.5 US2 | v.15(1960)-v.61(2006) Print cancelled 2007 |
Sbornik: Mathematics | 510.5 MATV21 | v.75-83 (1993-95) v.187 (1996) - date |
Semiconductor Science and Technology | q.621.381Se52 | 1 (1986) - date |
Smart Materials and Structures | q.620.1005Sm | 1:2 (June 1992) - date |
Superconductor Science and Technology | q.537.62205Su | 1 (1988/89) - date |
Waves in Random Media | 539.205Wa | 5 (1995) - date |
Voice: (724)779-3003
Fax: (724)779-8313
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date |
Journal of Materials Research | Q.620.1105jom | 1 (1986) - date |
Membership Directory | 620.11025m418m | 1997 |
MRS Bulletin | 620.1105mr | 13 (1988) - date |
Formerly NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics)
Indexed by: subject, author, report number, accession number
Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports (STAR) 016.6294Sc27 (Oak Street) 1963-1995
produced by NASA
replaced NACA/NASA Technical Publications Index
indexed by: subject (includes see, see also references), personal author, corporate source, contract number, NASA accession number
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date | Note |
NASA Conference Publication | 629.4Un3642c | 1976-1992 | Also as microfiche in Grainger NASA-CP- |
NASA Contractor Report | 629.4Un36na | 1964-1997 | Also as microfiche in Grainger as NASA-CR- |
NASA Memorandum | 629.13Un325nm | 1958-1959 | NASA-MEMO- (Oak Street) |
NASA Reference Publication | 629.4Un3642r | 1977-1992 | Also as microfiche in Grainger NASA-RP- |
NASA Special Publications | 629.4Un36n | no.1-45 | Also on microfiche in Grainger as NASA-SP- |
Beginning with No.46, each item is cataloged separately. | ||||
NASA Technical Memorandum | 629.13Un325tm | 1959-1992 | Also on microfiche in Grainger as NASA-TM- | |
NASA Technical Note | 629.13Un325tn | v. 1 - 85792 | NASA-TN- OR NASA-TN-D- (Oak Street) | |
NASA Technical Publication | 629.4Un3642t | 1977-1992 | Also on microfiche in Grainger as NASA-TP- | |
NASA Technical Report | 629.13Un325tr | v. 1 - 474 | NASA-TR (Oak Street) | |
NASA Technical Translation | 629.13Un325tt | 1959-1975 | Also in microfiche in Grainger as NASA-TT- |
NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Technical Report | Q.629.434C13t | |
NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Literature Search | 629.405Asti | |
NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Space Program Summary | 629.4C13s | (no.37:8 - 37:66) |
NACA Annual Report, including Technical Reports | Q.629.13Un33a | 1915-1939 | STX |
NACA Report | Q.629.13Un33r | no. 9 - 1392 | STX |
NACA Research Memorandum | Q.629.13Un33re | v. 8I07 - SL58H07 | STX |
NACA Technical Memorandum | 629.13Un33te | 1944 - 1958 | Oak Street |
NACA Technical Notes | 629.13Un33t | v. 5 - 4410 | Oak Street |
NACA Wartime Reports | 629.13Un33wL | v. 1 - 787 | STX |
Aeronautical Engineering: a continuing bibliography | DOC.NAS1.21:7037+ |
Aeronautics and Space Report of the President | DOC.NAS1.52: |
Aerospace Medicine & Biology: a continuing bibliography | DOC.NAS1.21:7011+ |
Earth Resources | DOC.NAS1.21:7041+ |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) | DOC.NAS1.12+7..... |
NASA Patents Abstracts Bibliography | DOC.NAS1.21:7039+ |
NASA/JPL Telecommunications and Data Acquisition Progress Report | 629.4C13d1 |
STAR has always indexed NASA numbers (e.g., NASA-CR-XXXX, etc.). Since 1981 it has also indexed NAS numbers (e.g., NAS1.26-XXXX). Based on the period of concurrent indexing, it appears that the various NASA report series have particular NAS numeric prefixes. They are listed below. |
NASA-CP-XXXX | Conference Publication | NAS1.55-XXX |
NASA-CR-XXXX | Contractor Report | NAS1.26-XXXX |
NASA-EP-XXXX | Educational Publication | NAS1.19-XXXX |
NASA-RP-XXXX | Reference Publication | NAS1.61-XXXX |
NASA-SP-XXXX | Special Publication | NAS1.21-XXXX |
NASA-TM-XXXX | Technical Memorandum | NAS1.15-XXXX |
NASA-TP-XXXX | Technical Publication | NAS1.60-XXXX |
NASA-TT-XXXX | Technical Translation | NAS1.77-XXXX |
There is also a NASA report series prefix NASA-CASE-YYY-XXXX, where YYY is a three letter code, usually signifying a particular center (e.g., LEW for Lewis Research Center in Cleveland). These reports relate to NASA patent activities. Those NASA-CASE reports released by the U.S. Office of Trademarks and Patents have no corresponding NAS number , but those released by NASA are issued under NAS1.71, regardless of center. |
Finally, no NAS numbers were found for the following NASA report series, most of which are now obsolete. |
Voice: (202)334-2000
Address: 500 Fifth Street, NW
Name | Call Number | Date |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Q.506Naa (Oak Street) | v. 1 (1915) - v. 98 (2001) |
Issues in Science and Technology | 306IS (Oak Street) | v.7(1990) - v.27(2010) |
National Academy of Engineering |
Office of News and Public Information ( |
Voice: +44 (0)20 7451 2500
Address: 6-9 Carlton House TerraceNotes and Records of the Royal Society | 506Ror | volume 1-date (1938-date) |
Royal Society of London Philosophical Transactions | Q.506Ro | v.1 (1665) - v.91 (1801) v.92 (1802) - v.177 (1886) |
Series A - Physical Sciences & Engineering | Q.506Roser.a | v.178 (1887) - v.240 (1948) v.241 (1948) - date |
Series B - Biological Sciences | Q.506Roser.b | v.178 (1887) - date |
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London | 506Rop | v.1 (1800) - v.75 (1904) | |
Series A - Mathematical & Physical Sciences | 506Ropser.a | v.76 (1905) - date | |
Series B - Biological Sciences | 506Ropser.b | v.76 (1905) - date |
SAE International receptionist: (724)776-4841
Customer Services: (877)606-7323
Name | Call Number | Date |
Annual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers | Q. 620.6 SOBAindex | 1983 - date Cancelled 2004. |
Cumulative Index of SAE Technical Papers | 016.629So13c | 1906 - 1993 |
SAE Aerospace Standards Index | 016.62913Sa16 | 1997-date |
SAE Ground Vehicle Standards Index | 016.629049So13 | 1997,2000 |
SAE Technical Literature Abstracts | 016.629So13t | 1976 - date |
SAE Journals | 620.6 SOB2 | v.1(1917) - 105 (1997) |
1. on microfiche | SAE Transactions SAE Technical Paper Series |
mfiche620.6Soba mfiche620.6Soae |
1982-1986 1987-date |
2. on paper | SAE Transactions SAE Quarterly Transactions |
620.6Soba 620.6Soba2 |
1(1910)-54(1946),61(1953)-date 1(1947)-6(1952) |
Special Publications - Cataloged as separate titles (Expert Keyword: se sp and se #)
SAE Handbook | 656.3So12s | 2005 in ENX. Previous issues in Oak Street |
SAE Digital Library | Print version (J, ARP, AMS, AS, AIR, HIR, MA, JA, TSB) can be found at West Wing on the 2nd Floor. |
Voice: (800) 733-4763
Fax: (313) 425-3000
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date | |
SME Engineering Technical Papers | mfiche621.7So1 | 1966-1990 | |
SME Engineering Technical Papers | mfiche670.427Au82 | 1981 | |
Technical Papers of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME | 621.9T2263 | 1996 | |
Transactions of the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME (NAMRC Proceedings) | Q.621.9M3191a Q.621.9M3191 621.9 M319 621.9 M312 |
17 (1989) - 27(1999) 16(1988) 14 (1986) - 15 (1987) 1 (1972) - 13 (1985) |
Autofact | 670.427Au82 | 1981-1997 | |
Computer Technology Solutions for the Manufacturing Enterprise | CDROM 670.427 C738c | 1998-1999 | |
Journal of Manufacturing Systems | 670.285 J825 | v.1(1982)- | |
Journal of Manufacturing Processes | 670.285 J826 | v. 8-9 (2006 - 2007) Print cancelled with last volume 9(2007). |
From 1960 to 1969, the Society was known as the American Society of Tool and Manufacturing Engineers (ASTME).
ASTME Collected Papers | Oak Street Oak Street ENX and Oak Street |
1958 1958 1953-1965 |
621.93Am35c Q.669Am36c 621.9Am3c |
Voice: (203)775-0471
Fax: (203)775-8490
Select PUBLICATIONS are provided in the table below.
Name | Call Number | Date | |
Plastics Engineering | 679.05Sp | 2 (1946) - date | |
Technical Conference Proceedings | 679So13p1a 679So13p1c |
1970,1972,1974-1975 1988,1991-1999 |
Polymer Composites | Q.668.4205Po | 2 (1981) - date | |
Polymer Engineering and Science | 541.705Po | 1 (1961) - date | |
Journal of Vinyl Technology Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology |
Q.668.423605Jo 668.405Jov |
v.9 (1985) - v.16 (1994) v.1 (1995) - v.2 (1996) |
Voice: (360)676-3290
Fax: (360)647-1445
Search the SPIE Digital Library -
Proceedings of SPIE - ENX owns volumes 1-1498 and other selected SPIE publications. | Resumed subscription on 2000. |
Name | Call Number | Date | |
Optical engineering : the journal of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers. | 770.1505so | 1 (1963) - date | |
Journal of Electronic Imaging | 006.605JOE | v.12 (2003) - date | |
Journal of Biomedical Optics | 610.2805JOUN | v.7(2002) - date | |
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS | 621.38105JOM1 621.38105JOM |
v.6(2007) - date v.1,2,4 |
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing | Online only | ||
Journal of Nanophotonics | Online only |