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Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior Department: Dissertations & Theses

A guide for those in the School of Integrative Biology. After using this guide, students in Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior will be able to locate resources that are needed for their field of study.

About Dissertations and Theses

Dissertations and theses are submitted to the academic department and the Graduate College and are made available through the University Library. Since 2010, all theses and dissertations are electronically deposited into the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship (IDEALS), the University's open repository of scholarly content.

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses is a comprehensive collection of citations to dissertations and theses worldwide from 1861 to the present day. Full text PDFs are available for many Ph.D. dissertations added since 1997 and some older graduate works.

For assistance in finding dissertations and theses, please visit the Main Library's Finding Dissertations and Theses Libguide. 

Searching Dissertations and Theses

To begin searching for dissertations, use the Advanced Search option in the library's catalog and search by author, title, subject, and department.

Advanced Search box


Change your search to a "Subject" search, and type in "Theses" or "Dissertations." You may also want to adjust the "Material Type" to "Dissertations."


Select "Add A New Line" to add another "Subject" term for the area of study you are interested in. 


To search a specific time period, enter day, month, and/or year under "Start Date" or "End Date."


Dissertations and Theses can show up as books, manuscripts, text resources, or articles in the library catalog.