This film depicts a young woman (Amélie) with social anxiety who had a very isolated childhood. Despite her anxiety, however, she has a strong capability of making others happy.
This film depicts an interesting dynamic of social anxiety between a romantic couple after they undergo a procedure to have all of their memories of each other erased. Within the film, the boyfriend (Joel) exhibits symptoms of social anxiety, while the girlfriend (Clementine) displays extroverted behaviors.
This film depicts a socially-awkward high schooler (Napoleon) who helps his new friend (Pedro) run for class president. One of Napoleon's friends (Deb) displays several symptoms of social anxiety.
This video identifies the symptoms and varieties of anxiety disorders, as well as different forms of treatment. The duration of the video is 22 minutes and it has a nursing focus.
This video offers information about strategic treatments of anxiety disorders. Led by Dr. Reid Wilson, a recognized expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders, this seminar is broken into six hour-long segments and has a counseling and therapy focus.
This video documents a counseling session conducted on an interview basis at a conference in 1985. The duration of the session is 57 minutes and it has a counseling and therapy focus.
This video offers detailed information about how cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals suffering from social phobia overcome their symptoms. The duration of the documentary is 51 minutes and it has a counseling and therapy focus.
This TEDx Talk explores what social anxiety is and how people can support those who suffer from the disorder. The duration of the video is approximately 14 minutes.