To set up an account, click on “Sign In” on the right-hand side of the red bar at the top of the screen. Then click “Create a new account.” An account allows you to save searches, organize your research into folders, manage your email alerts and RSS feeds, and set search preferences to automatically take effect at every visit to the database.
To receive emails when a new article is found through a particular search, run a search, then click “Share” (on the right hand side of the page, just above the list of results). Select “Email Alert” from the box that appears. You will be asked to sign in (see “Set up account,” above). Type in your email address. Then, select how frequently you’d like to receive updates and the level of detail you’d like to see in the emailed description from the drop-down boxes. Finally, click “Save Alert.”
To set up an RSS feed, run a search, then click “Share” (on the right hand side of the page, just above the list of results). Select “RSS Feed” from the box that appears. The “Create an Alert” box will come up; copy the link from the bottom and paste it into the RSS feed reader of your choice. For more information on RSS feeds and selecting a feed reader, check out the University Library's libguide on RSS Readers.