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Systematic Reviews

Basic Steps in a Systematic Review

  • Plan the study
  • Identify contributors
  • Establish scope and search methodology
  • Identify body of literature for consideration
  • Evaluate studies for inclusion
  • Analyze (code) and combine results
  • Discuss
  • Summarize - provide a bottom line

Things to consider

Is it Feasible?

  • Is the question appropriate for a systematic review?
  • What is the scope of the review?
  • What related reviews are already published?
  • How many citations do you expect to find?


Do have the necessary components?

  • TIME
  • DATA

source: Both, Su'on and Papaioannou 2016

BioMed Central Stakeholder Involvement in Systematic Reviews
The active involvement of stakeholders is beneficial to the quality of a systematic review. Alex Pollock (Glasgow Caledonian University) and colleagues carried out a scoping review that considered 291 articles reporting stakeholder involvement. For most of the papers the quality of the reporting was poor and inconsistent, with only 10% judged to provide a comprehensive description of methods for involving stakeholders. A subset of 30 papers that showcased best practice were used to develop online learning resources.

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