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Urban & Regional Planning Resources

Find here resources for finding planning literature, selected planning titles, and other useful information.



The American Planning Association's American Institute of Certified Planners certifies planners' academic qualifications, work experience, skills, and commitment to ethical practice.  Certification includes a comprehensive exam, and continuing education once certified.  Advanced Specialty Certification is also available for transportation planner, environmental planner, and urban designer specialties.

Career Resources

Licensure and Registration

New Jersey: 

Only one state, New Jersey, requires licensing of planners. The New Jersey State Board of Professional Planners is "responsible for the regulation of professional planners and planners in training in New Jersey." 


The State of Michigan Bureau of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs formerly offered an exam and certification for a “professional community planner” (PCP) designation (related to MICH. COMP. LAWS § 339.2301 and MICH. COMP. LAWS § 339.2304).  But this was optional and the program has since been discontinued.