This journal is published quarterly by the American Accounting Association.
Accounting, Organizations and Society
A major international journal concerned with all aspects of the relationship between accounting and human behaviour, organizational structures and processes, and the changing social and political environment of the enterprise.
Published quarterly by the American Accounting Association. Reports the results of accounting research and explains and illustrates related research methodology.
Coverage includes news from large and small practitioners, regulatory agencies and vendors, in addition to growth niches and management strategies.
Contemporary Accounting Research
CAR is the quarterly journal of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association. It provides a forum for the publication of high quality research of interest to the Canadian accounting community.
Published by the New York State Society of CPAs, this journal is aimed at public practitioners, management, educators, and other accounting professionals.
This resource addresses issues in taxation, pensions, and accounting, with new content added every business day.
A monthly publication of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) that focuses on the latest news and developments related to the field of accounting. Intended for CPAs and other accounting professionals.
The Journal of Accounting and Economics
Published three times per year, this journal encourages the application of economic theory to the explanation of accounting phenomena and provides insight into the research that is influencing contemporary accounting scholars and students.
The Journal of Accounting Research
Publishes articles, research reports, capsules and comments, thematic issues on all aspects of accounting, and the proceedings of the annual Conference on Accounting Research aimed at students, academics and practitioners. Published by the Institute of Professional Accounting at the Graduate School of Business, University of Chicago.
Addresses topics such as best practices, client management and emerging legislation.
Provides competitive intelligence for public accounting firms and the profession. Includes analysis of the news, developments, and trends that have defined the profession for more than 20 years.
The Review of Accounting Studies
Provides an outlet for academic research in accounting, including theoretical, empirical, and experimental work.
Most journals can be located via the library's Online Research Resources under the general area of Social Science and the subjects "Business," "Economics" and "Labor & Industrial Relations." It is best to type the journal title in the search box, then click the radio button "Title Keywords."
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