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Indigenous Languages and Populations in "Latin" America: Organizations and Associations

Resources on indigenous populations at regional level

International Labor Organization - Platform on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean (Pueblos Indígenas y Tribales en América Latina y el Caribe)

This site developed by the International Labor Organization, compiles a large amount of information concerning Indigenous peoples across Latin American and the Caribbean. It provides online access to statistical and census data, reports on specific topics, international and national laws affecting these populations, audiovisual materials, and other. One important feature of this site is that it enables to search by specific country or region, and provides online access to a variety of resources for each country.



ATLILLA – Association for Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America

Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America (STLILLA) and International Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America (ILCLA):

"The Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures of Latin America (ILCLA), organized in conjunction to the third Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America  brings together instructors, practitioners, activists, indigenous leaders, scholars and learners who study indigenous languages and cultures of Latin America and the Caribbean."

See information about the most recent STILLA/ILCLA conferences:

2016 Symposium on Indigenous Languages and Cultures (ILCLA/STLILLA) at the Ohio State University.

2011 Symposium on Teaching and Learning Indigenous Languages of Latin America at  Kellogg Institute for International Studies at the University of Notre Dame. 

ONAMIAP: Organización Nacional de Mujeres Indígenas Andinas y Amazónicas del PerúONAMIP is an organization of Peruvian indigenous women, which seek to protect and enhance the rights of its members as indigenous women and as indigenous populations. This organization works at local level around identity, government, representation, and participation of indigenous women on different political and social scenarios.


Websites, Projects and Media

This section lists:


Kichwa Hatari. Weekly radio program in the US

Hawansuyo – zona de esperanza: Literary online magazine published by Peruvian writer, artist and scholar  Fredy Amílcar Roncalla

Ñuqanchik, Quechua Language Newscast: News television show broadcasted in Quechua Language

Jiwasanaka - Aimara language Newscast on TvPeru: News television show broadcasted in Aimara Language.

Kichwa Hatari. It is a weekly radio program, the first in the indigenous Kichwa language in the U.S, aimed at reaching the Quechua/Kichwa population in the United States, particularly in New York.

Hawansuyo – zona de esperanza: Literary online magazine published by Peruvian writer, artist and scholar  Fredy Amílcar Roncalla. It  includes articles on Andean literature, film and arts in general, emphasizing the richness of indigenous culture in the region. This site provides access to tales, articles, book reviews, interviews, and other interesting contents. Materials are in Spanish, Quechua and English.

Ñuqanchik, Quechua Language NewscastThis is the first news television show broadcasted in Quechua Language in Peru's television. It is broadcasted by the public national television channel, TvPeru.


Jiwasanaka - Aimara Language Newscast on TvPeru: This is the first news television show broadcasted in Aimara language in Peru's television. It is broadcasted by the public national television channel, TvPeru.