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University Library


Inorganic Chemistry: Scopus

Inorganic Chemistry Lab


Scopus  is a large abstract and citation database of research literature. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides  support of the literature research process.  Covers journal articles, book chapters, and conference proceedings, including Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) to 1879.


Tips and More

  • Click on the View at Publisher link to retrieve the full-text.  
  • The number in the right hand column is the number of times an article has been cited.  Clicking on the number will take you to the citing references.
  • When in the full record, you can see Related Articles on the right.  This may help you find other resources to review.


Subject Guide

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Chemistry Library
170 Noyes Lab
505 Mathews
Urbana, IL 61801
(217) 333-3737
Subjects: Chemistry