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Inorganic Chemistry: REAXYS

Inorganic Chemistry Lab

REAXYS Introduction

Thumbnail  REAXYS: Beilstein, Gmelin and Patent Chemistry on the Web

REAXYS (1771+) is a database of chemical compound properties, structures and reactions with references to the journal and patent literature of chemistry. The data originates from the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry, the Beilstein Handbuch der Organischen Chemie, inorganic and organic chemistry journals and a Patent Chemistry database.  This database is a favorite for the precise way that it searches structures and for the comprehensiveness of the property coverage. Access is restricted to University of Illinois students, faculty, and staff.

REAXYS Content

REAXYS contains information that wil guide you to preparations, experimental properties and bioactivity data, and to their research article and patent citations.  It is a combination of three classic chemistry resources:


Started in the 18th century, Beilstein contains information on structures, reactions, and properties of organic compounds.

Gmelin (Ga-me-lin)

Started in the early 19th century, Gmelin has information on structures and properties of inorganic and metal-organic compounds.

Patent Chemistry Database

Organic chemistry information from selected English language chemical patents (US, WO, EP) from 1976.  It also includes some historical patents from 1869-1980.