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Dalits: Other Resources

This is a resource guide about Dalits, the untouchable caste within Hinduism.

Free Resources

There are many free electronic resources to use if you're looking for additional Dalit resources. Below are some resources through the Digital Library of India, a list of associations/advocacy groups, and some free online periodicals.

Digital Library of India

The Digital Library of India (DLI) is a digital collection of freely accessible rare books collected from various libraries in India. DLI project started in early 2000 with the vision to archive all the significant literary, artistic and scientific works of mankind and to preserve digitally and make them freely available.

This includes access resources about Dalits:



The following associations are advocacy groups and non-profice organizations that focus upon Dalit liberation or support human rights issues in general.

Online Periodicals

  • Dalit Nation - In English.
  • Dalit Voice - In English. Founded by journalist and scholar V. T. Rajshekar
  • Forward Press - In English and Hindi. Monthly magazine focusing on Dalit communities.
  • Jan Sanskaran – In English and Hindi. Dalit Media Watch.
  • - In English. Founded in India, this online periodical focuses upon human rights issues globally. However, they do have specific section titled "Annihilate Caste"
  • Dalit Dastak - In Hindi. News and information advocating for Dalits.