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University Library


Web of Science: Personalization

A guide to using the Web of Science database.

Creating an Account

Creating an account allows you to set preferences, save searches, set search alerts, create citation lists, and more. Follow these steps to set up a Web of Science account:

  1. Access Web of Science through the UIUC Library. See "Accessing Web of Science" on the "Getting Started" page of this guide.
  2. In the upper right corner of the Web of Science homepage, click "Register."
    Image showing web of science's homepage with register button highlighted.
  3. Enter your email address, and click "Register." Your email address will be your username.Image showing Web of Science's registration screen.
  4. A verification code will be sent to your email. Enter it into the box and click "Submit Code."
    Image showing Web of Science's verification code box.
  5. You will be taken to an account setup page. Fill in the information, then click "register" at the bottom of the page.
    Image showing Web of Science's account setup page.