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University Library


Web of Science: Search Results

A guide to using the Web of Science database.

Sort and Refine Results

Image of Web of Science search results page with Refine Results section highlighted.

Click image to enlarge

Sort your search results by relevance, date, citation count, usage, recently added, and conference title using the drop-down menu to the top-right of the search results. Refine your search results by quick filters, publication year, document type, WoS categories, authors, publication titles, publishers, access type, language, and more using the expanding menus to the left of the search results.

Find Full-Text

Web of Science search results with full text buttons highlighted.

Click image to enlarge

From the record list or an individual citation record, click the “Full Text” button, and then choose the blue “Discover full text” box. If the article is available to UIUC users, a link to the article appears in the “Full Text” section. If not, you will be provided links to search for the journal in the library catalog or request a photo-copy of the article through InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

Other Features

Image showing Web of Science citation management options.

Click image to enlarge

At the top-left of the search results page and of item records are options for citation and document management.

  • Export a citation by checking the box next to the article you are interested in and then selecting a citation manager from the "Export" drop-down menu.
  • Add an item to your Marked List  to print, save, email, order, or export a citation at a later time by checking the box next to the article and the selecting "Add to Marked List."
  • Selecting "Analyze Results" next to your search query allows you to view the search results in various graphs based on the refine results fields.