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Firefighting: Wildland Urban Interface: Strategy and Tactics

A wildland urban interface refers to the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development, where human-made improvements intermix with wildland fuels.

"Wildland-urban fire emergency strategy and tactics differ from either the standard wildland or the standard urban fire suppression practices. Wildland fire suppression largely attempts to keep a fire from spreading beyond its current location. That is, keeping the wildfire away from a valued area protects the values at risk. Urban fire suppression initially addresses life safety (principally building occupants) and then fire containment within a portion of the structure and/or prevents adjacent structure involvement. Neither of the wildland nor the urban suppression practices typically provide for home ignition potential reduction given an encroaching wildfire. Wildland-urban strategy and tactics assume the wildfire may pass through the residential area without wildfire containment.

The wildland-urban strategy and tactics principally focus on preparing the home for the wildfire by reducing the potential for home ignition within the home ignition zone."

- Jack Cohen, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, USDA Forest Service

National Fire Protection Association Report

Foundations for Wildland Firefighting - Graphic Representations from the NWCG

An illustration of Standard Firefighting Order Number 6. Wildland firefighters stand near an active fire, one talking into their walkie-talkie. On the other side of a yellow diagonal line, another firefighter speaks into a walkie-talkie from the base of a mountain. The text reads "6. Be alert. Keep calm. Think clearly. Act decisively."


Firescope California