The datasets listed in this page were selected by the forum moderator, Prof. Cynthia Buckley. This is not a comprehensive guide to datasets for researching population, health, and social change in Eurasia. However, these datasets contain a wealth of information in multiple languages and formats. Fisher Forum researchers are encouraged to review the annotations before accessing these resources. Due to the nature of the resources, some institutions have a registration requirement.
Please contact the Slavic Reference Service (Email: if you are experiencing any technical difficulties.
According to the project scope statement, the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) is "... a series of nationally representative surveys designed to monitor the effects of Russian reforms on the health and economic welfare of households and individuals in the Russian Federation."
This is a joint effort by the Carolina Population Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the Demoscope team in Russia, and the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
In order to access the data collected by the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey team, Fisher Forum participants are encouraged to review the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE and Data Availability and Service Requirements.
Also of interest is the publications section.
Generations & Gender Programme " a Longitudinal Survey of 18-79 year olds in 19 countries that aims to improve our understanding of the various factors -including public policy and programme interventions - which affect the relationships between parents and children (generations) and between partners (gender)." In addition, this survey provides coverage for the following subject areas: fertility, partnership, the transition to adulthood, economic activity, care duties, and attitudes.
Access note: Fisher Forum scholars will need to register in order to use the Generations and Gender Survey Data. Scholars can register here.
The Generations & Gender Programme also supports the Contextual Database, which " easy and open access to comparable, aggregated contextual data ... linked to the individual level data of the Generations and Gender Surveys." This database contains demographic, policy, and economic indicators.
In order to examine "the health and well-being of adult populations and the ageing process," Evidence, Measurement and Analysis Unit at the World Health Organization organized the Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health.
According to program scope, this study "collects data on adults aged 18+ years, with an emphasis on populations aged 50+ years, from nationally representative samples in six countries: China, Ghana, India, Mexico, Russian Federation and South Africa."
Fisher Forum scholars can access this resource directly here.
Founded in 2003, the Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC) represent “...a network of research, resource and training centers... in the capital cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia with the goal of strengthening social science research and public policy analysis in the South Caucasus.” Fisher Forum scholars can access the Online Data Analysis tool, CRRC's publications, Research Reports, and other resources at:
As a sub unit within the Surveys and Methods Unit at the World Bank, the Living Standards Measurement Study " a household survey program focused on generating high-quality data, improving survey methods, and building capacity." Fisher Forum participants can locate relevant data through three tools: World Bank Microdata Catalog, Survey Finder, Data Table, and Panel Surveys.
Since the 1990s, the United Nations Children's Rights and Emergency Relief Organization Data and Analytics section has conducted four Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys(MICS): 1995-1996, 2000-20006, 2005-2006, 2009-2012. According to UNICEF, a fifth survey(2013-2015) is on going.
This program is "...designed to collect statistically sound, internationally comparable data on more than 100 indicators used by countries to assess teh situation of children and women in the areas of education, health, gender equality, rights and protection."
Funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) program has "provided technical assistance to more than 300 surveys in over 90 countries, advancing global understanding of health and population trends in developing countries."
Fisher Forum participants can directly access the following sections at:
The Eurobarometer Data Service connects researchers with "the primary data generated over four decades" through its large scale survey program. Fisher Forum scholars can access Eurobarometer reports, qualitative studies, research bibliography, and survey results here.
The European Values Study began in the late 1970s as part of the European Systems Study Group. Forum participants can access Integrated values surveys for the years 1981-2014 here.
In addition to the values surveys, this group provides access to list of publications, maps and figures, and additional values data for conducting sociological research.
Established in 2001, the European Social Survey (ESS) is "an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe." Forum researchers can browse and download the vast collection of data by country, region, year, and theme via Data and Documentation page.
Moreover, researchers can also consult the ESS Bibliography for locating published materials associated with ESS. The entries in this bibliography are organized alphabetically. Scholars can access this bibliography directly here.
According to the Central Statistics Organization of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment(NRVA) "is the most comprehensive source of statistical information about Afghanistan to date and provides important information for development policies and Afghanistan's poverty Reduction Strategy, ANDS."
National Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report
2014-2015 Statistical Yearbook
2013-2014 Statistical Yearbook
2012-2013 Statistical Yearbook
The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)'s mission is to advance and expand social and behavioral research by providing "leadership and training in data access, curation, and methods of analysis for the social science research community."
This international consortium consists of well over 700 academic and research institutions. Moreover, ICPSR supports more than 500,000 files of research in the social sciences, and includes "16 specialized collections of data in education, aging, criminal justice, substance abuse, terrorism, and other fields."
Fisher Forum researchers can browse compiled data here or directly at:
Levada Analytical Center (Levada Center) is one of the leading sociological research centers in the Russian Federation. With a research network that consists of 67 regional affiliates in Russia and other partnering institutions in CIS and Baltic countries, the Levada Center provides access to an extensive collection of research data through its publications page.
Scholars can access the Russian version of the publications page here.
Edinyi Arkhiv Ekonomicheskikh i Sotsiologicheskikh Dannykh = The Joint Economic and Social Data Archive was established in 2000. This organization provides "... open access to the results of empirical research in social sciences." Moreover, since its founding, the Joint Economic and Social Data Archive's collection contains well over 750 sociological researches and more than 100 time-series of economic indicators for Russia.
The Transformative Monitoring for Enhanced Equity (TransMonEE) was founded in 1992 and it "...captures a vast range of data relevant to social and economic issues relevant to the situation and wellbeing of children, young people and women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia."
TransMonEE maintains databases by year(2013-2015) and country profiles, which can be downloaded by Forum scholars. Researchers can also examine the publications page for materials published by TransMonEE.
According to the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement, this repository contains data from CivED, ICCS, ICILS, Joint TIMSS & PIRLS, PIRLS, PrePIRLS, RL II, SITES, TIMSS, TIMSS Advanced and TEDS. Researchers can access this data through the search interface located here.
Based in Moscow, the SOVA Center was established in 2002. According to the Center's service scope, it "...conducts informational and research on such topics as nationalism and xenophobia, relations between the churches and the secular society, and political radicalism."
In order to assist scholars, the SOVA Center maintains three databases. These databases are: Acts of violence(2010-), Vandalism(2010-), and Sentences(2010-). Fisher Forum scholars are encouraged to consult both English and Russian version of this website.