"The following articles are considered recommended reading for veterinary ophthalmologists and ophthalmology residents. However, specific exam questions will not originate from these articles. Most are still available in many veterinary school libraries."
Librarian's notes:
1) The citations to the 87 articles on this are linked to the PubMed record, where possible. At least one was in a library archive. It is labled "Full Text Available". If the article does not have a link, that means no link to PubMed was available.
2) Most of the citations to veterinary journals are in veterinary libraries, but depending on the library, the citations to human ophth journals, especially older citations, may not be in the collection of a veterinary library for various reasons. If you are planning a visit to a library to find these articles, be sure to contact a librarian at the library well beforehand to save time and energy for the exam!
- Acland, G.M., and Aguirre, G.D. Retinal degenerations in the dog: IV. Early retinal degeneration (erd) in Norwegian Elkhounds. Exp Eye Res 44:4, p. 491-521, 1987.
- Aguirre, G.D., and Acland, G.M. Variations in retinal degeneration phenotype inherited at the prcd locus. Exp Eye Res 46:5, p. 663-687,1988.
- Aguirre, G.D., and Laties, A. Pigment epithelial dystrophy in the dog. Exp Eye Res 23:2, p. 247-256, 1976.
- Aguirre, G.D., and Rubin, L.F. Progressive retinal atrophy in the Miniature Poodle: an electrophysiologic study. J Am Vet Med Assoc 160:2, p. 191-201,1972.
- Aguirre G.D., et al. Development of the canine eye. Am J Vet Res 33:12, p. 2399-2414, 1972.
- Aguirre, G.D., et al. Rod-cone dysplasia in Irish Setters: a defect in cyclic GMP metabolism in visual cells. Science 201:4361, p. 1133-1134, 1978.
- Aguirre, G.D. Electroretinography in veterinary ophthalmology. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 9:3, p. 234-237, 1973. Full Text Available
- Aguirre, G.D. Retinal degeneration in the dog. I. Rod dysplasia. Exp Eye Res 26:3, p. 233-253, 1978.
- Albert, D.M., et al. Retinal neoplasia and dysplasia. I. Induction by feline leukemia virus. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 16:4, p. 325-37, 1977.
- Albert, D.M., et al. Canine herpes-induced retinal dysplasia and associated ocular anomalies. Invest Ophthalmol 15:4, p. 267-78, 1976.
- Anderson, D.H., et al. Morphological recovery in the reattached retina. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 27:2, p.168-183, 1986.
- Bahn C.F., et al. Postnatal development of corneal endothelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 27:1, p. 44-51, 1986.
- Bedford, P.G. A gonioscopic study of the iridocorneal angle in the English and American breeds of cocker spaniel and the basset hound. J Small Anim Pract 18:10, p. 631-642, 1977.
- Bellhorn, R.W., and Bellhorn, M.S. The avian pecten. I. Fluorescein permeability. Ophthalmol Res 7, p. 1-7, 1975.
- Bellhorn, R.W., et al. Feline central retinal degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol 13:8, p. 608-616, 1974.
- Bellhorn, R.W. A survey of ocular findings in 16- to 24-week-old beagles. J Am Vet Med Assoc 162:2, p. 139-141, 1973.
- Bellhorn, R.W. Fluorescein fundus photography in veterinary ophthalmology. Anim Hosp 9:3, p. 227-233, 1973.
- Bergsma, D.R., and Brown, K.S. White fur, blue eyes and deafness in the domestic cat . J Hered 62:3, p. 171-185, 1971.
- Berson, E.L., et al. Retinal degeneration in cats fed casein. II. Supplementation with methionine, cysteine, or taurine. Invest Ophthalmol 15:1, p. 52-58, 1976.
- Bill, A.: Formation and drainage of aqueous humor in cats. Exp. Eye Res., 5:185, 1966.
- Bistner, S.I., et al. The ocular lesions of bovine viral diarrhea-mucosal disease. Pathol Vet 7:3, p. 275-286, 1970.
- Blair, N.P., et al. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Labrador Retrievers. I. Development of retinal tears and detachment. Arch Ophthalmol 103:6, p. 842-847, 1985.
- Blair, N.P., et al. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment in Labrador Retrievers. II. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Arch Ophthalmol 103:6, p. 848-854, 1985.
- Bok, D. Retinal photoreceptor-pigment epithelium interactions. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 26:12, p. 1659-1694, 1985.
- Buyukmihci, N.C., et al. Retinal degenerations in the dog. II. Development of the retina in rod-cone dysplasia. Exp Eye Res 30:5, p. 575-591, 1980.
- Buyukmihci, N.C. Photic retinopathy in the dog. Exp Eye Res 33:1, p. 95-109, 1981.
- Carmichael, L.E. The pathogenesis of ocular lesions of infectious canine hepatitis I. Pathology and virological observations. Pathol Vet 1, p. 73-95, 1964.
- Carmichael, L.E. The pathogenesis of ocular lesions of infectious canine hepatitis II. Experimental ocular hypersensitivity produced by the virus. Pathol Vet 2:4, p. 344-359, 1965.
- Chase, J. The evolution of retinal vascularization in mammals. Ophthalmology 89:12, p. 1518-1525, 1982.
- Crispin S.M., and Barnett, K.C. Dystrophy, degeneration and infiltration of the canine cornea. J Small Anim Pract 24:2, p. 63-83, 1983.
- Curtis R., and Barnett, K.C. Primary lens luxation in the dog. J Small Anim Pract 21:12, p. 657-668, 1980.
- Davidson, M.G., et al.: Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation: a study of surgical results in 182 dogs. Vet Comp Ophthalmol 1:4, p. 233-238, 1991.
- de Schaepdrijver, L., et al. Morphologic study of the retinal microvasculature in the dog. Vet Comp Ophthalmol 6:2, p. 100-109, 1996.
- Donovan, A. The postnatal development of the cat retina. Exp Eye Res 5:4, p. 249-254, 1966.
- Gelatt, K.N., and Das, N. D. Animal models for inherited cataracts: A review. Curr Eye Res 3:5, p. 765-778, 1984.
- Gelatt, K.N., et al. Fluorescein angiography of the normal and diseased ocular fundi of the laboratory dog. J Am Vet Med Assoc 169:9, p. 980-984, 1976.
- Gelatt K.N., et al. Clinical manifestations of inherited glaucoma in the beagle. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 16:12, p. 1135-1142, 1977.
- Gum, G.C., et al. Maturation of the retina of the canine neonate as determined by electroretinography and histology. Am J Vet Res 45:6, p. 1166-1171, 1984.
- Gwin, R.M., et al. Decrease in canine corneal endothelial cell density and corneal thickness as a function of age. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 22:2, p. 267-271, 1982.
- Hayes, K.C., et al. Pathogenesis of the optic nerve lesion in vitamin A deficient calves. Arch Ophthalmol 80:6, p. 777-787, 1968.
- Johnston, M.C., et al. Origins of avian ocular and periocular tissues. Exp Eye Res 29:1, p. 27-43, 1979.
- Jubb, K.V., et al. The intraocular lesions of canine distemper. J Comp Pathol 67:1, p. 21-29, 1957.
- Kern, T.J. Orbital neoplasia in 23 dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 186:5, p. 489-491, 1985.
- Martin, C.L., and Chambreau, T. Cataract production in experimentally orphaned puppies fed a commercial replacement for bitch's milk. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 18:1, p. 115-119, 1982.
- Martin, C.L. Development of pectinate ligament structure of the dog: study by scanning electron microscopy. Am J Vet Res 35:11, p. 1433-1439, 1974.
- Martin, C.L. Gonioscopy and anatomical correlations of the drainage angle of the dog. J Small Anim Prac 10:3, p. 171-184, 1969.
- Martin, C.L. Scanning electron microscopic examination of selected canine iridocorneal angle abnormalities. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 11:3, p. 300-306, 1975.
- Martin, C.L. Slit lamp examination of the normal canine anterior ocular segment. Part I: Introduction and technique. J Small Anim Pract 10:3, p. 143-149, 1969.
- Martin, C.L. Slit lamp examination of the normal canine anterior ocular segment. Part II: Description. J Small Anim Pract 10:3, p. 151-162, 1969.
- Martin, C.L. Slit lamp examination of the normal canine anterior ocular segment. Part III: Description and summary. J Small Anim Pract 10:3, p. 163-169, 1969.
- Martin, C.L. The normal canine iridocorneal angle as viewed with the scanning electron microscope. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 11:2, p. 180-184, 1975.
- Miller, P.E., and Pickett, J.P. Comparison of the human and canine Schiotz tonometry conversion tables in clinically normal dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 201:7, p. 1021-1025, 1992.
- Miller, P.E., and Pickett, J.P. Comparison of the human and canine Schiotz tonometry conversion tables in clinically normal cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 201:7, p. 1017-1020, 1992.
- Miller, P.E., and Murphy, C.J. Vision in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 207:12, p. 1623-1634, 1995..
- Millichamp, N.J., and Dziezyc, J. Cataract phacofragmentation in horses. Vet Ophthalmol 3:2-3, p. 157-164, 2000.
- Moore, C.P., et al. Density and distribution of canine conjunctival goblet cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 28:12, p. 1925-1932, 1987.
- Murphy, C.J., and Howland, H.C. The optics of comparative ophthalmology. Vision Res 27:4, p. 599-607, 1987.
- Mutti, D.O., et al. Naturally occurring vitreous chamber-based myopia in the Labrador retriever. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 40:7, p. 1577-1584, 1999.
- Narfstrom, K. Progressive retinal atrophy in the Abyssinian cat: Clinical characteristics. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 26:2, p. 193-200, 1985.
- Peiffer, R.L., et al. Determination of facility of outflow in the dog comparing in vivo and in vitro tonographic and constant pressure perfusion techniques. Am J Vet Res 37:12, p. 1473-1477, 1976.
- Peiffer, R.L., et al. The pathogenesis and significance of pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane in domestic animals. Vet Pathol 27:1, p. 41-45, 1990..
- Percy, D.H., et al. Retinal dysplasia due to feline panleukopenia virus infection. J Am Vet Med Assoc 167:10, p. 935-937, 1975.
- Priester, W.A. Congenital ocular defects in cattle, horses, cats, and dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 160:11, p. 1504-1511, 1972.
- Ramsey, D.T., et al. Corneal thickness, intraocular pressure, and optical corneal diameter in Rocky Mountain Horses with cornea globosa or clinically normal corneas. Am J Vet Res 60:10, p. 1317-21, 1999.
- Riis, R.C., et al. Vitamin E deficiency retinopathy in dogs. Am J Vet Res 42:1, p. 74-86, 1981.
- Roberts, S.R., et al. The collie ectasia syndrome. Pathology of the eyes of young and adult dogs. Am J Ophthalmol 62:4, p. 728-752, 1966.
- Roberts, S.R., et al. The collie ectasia syndrome. Pathologic alterations of the eyes of pups one to fourteen days of age. Am J Ophthalmol 61:6, p. 1458-1465, 1966.
- Roberts, S.R. The collie eye anomaly. J Am Vet Med Assoc 155:6, p. 859-865, 1969.
- Rodriguez-Peralta, L. The blood-aqueous barrier in five species. Am J Ophthalmol 80:4, p. 713-725, 1975.
- Sandberg, M.A., et al. Full field electroretinograms in miniature poodles with progressive rod-cone degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 27:7, p. 1179-1184, 1986.
- Schmidt, S.Y., et al. Retinal degeneration in cats fed casein. I. Taurine deficiency. Invest Ophthalmol 15:1, p. 47-52, 1976.
- Schmidt, S.Y., et al. Retinal degeneration in cats fed casein. III. Taurine deficiency and ERG amplitudes. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 16:7, p. 673-678, 1977.
- Sharpnack, et al. Vascular pathways of the anterior segment of the canine eye. Am J Vet Res 45:7, p. 1287-1294, 1984.
- Shatz, C.J., and Levay, S. Siamese cat: Altered connections of visual cortex. Science 204:4390, p. 328-330, 1979.
- Shively, J.N., and Epling, G. Fine structure of the canine eye: cornea. Am J Vet Res 31:4, p. 713-722, 1970.
- Shively, J.N., and Epling, G.P. Fine structure of the canine eye: Iris. Am J Vet Res 30:1, p. 13-25, 1969.
- Shively, J.N., et al. Fine structure of the postnatal development of the canine retina. Am J Vet Res 32:3, p. 383-392, 1971.
- Shively, J.N., et al. Fine structure of the canine eye: retina. Am J Vet Res 31:8, p. 1339-1359, 1970.
- Stryer, L. The molecules of visual excitation. Sci Am 257:1, p. 42-50, 1987.
- Tripathi, R.C., and Tripathi, B.J. Proceedings: The mechanisms of aqueous outflow in primates, lower mammals and birds: a comparative study. Exp Eye Res 17:4, p. 393-394, 1973.
- Tripathi, R.C. Ultrastructure of the exit pathway of the aqueous in lower mammals. Exp Eye Res 12:3, p. 311-314, 1971.
- Van Buskirk, E.M. The canine eye: the vessels of aqueous drainage. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 18:3, p. 223-230, 1979.
- Whiteley, H.E., et al. Ocular lesions of bovine malignant catarrhal fever. Vet Pathol 22:3, p. 219-225, 1985.
- Wilcock, B.P., and Peiffer, R.L. Morphology and behavior of primary ocular melanomas in 91 dogs. Vet Pathol 23:4, p. 418-424, 1986.
- Wilcock, B.P., and Peiffer, R.L. The pathology of lens-induced uveitis in dogs. Vet Pathol 24:6, p. 549-553, 1987.
- Witzel, D.A., et al. Congenital stationary night blindness: An animal model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 17:8, p. 788-795, 1978.
- Wong, V.G., and Macri, F.J. Vasculature of cat eye. Arch Ophthalmol 72, p. 351-358, 1964.