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Veterinary Boards List, University of Illinois

ACVO Required Journals -- Veterinary

"Past Seven Years of journal articles in print prior to January 1 of the year of the examination.Date of e-publication is irrelevant. Example: for the 2014 ABVO Exam, the hard copypublication dates covered on the exam range from January 1, 2007-October 31, 2013.

Note: Beginning with journal publication dates of January 1, 2010 and later, no questions on the Written examination will be derived from case reports that involve single animals. Review of images in these case reports is recommended for Image Recognition exam preparation."
"(Note: Articles from these veterinary journals should be reviewed for any situation or disease that involves ocular, periocular, or neuro-ophthalmic structuresor systemic conditions relevant to ophthalmic disease.)"

ACVO Other Journals

"(Note: Review of basic science and human clinical journals should be limited to those articles dealing with situations or diseases directly applicable to veterinary ophthalmology (i.e. where a common domestic animal is used as an animal model). Review of human clinical conditions or basic science articles unrelated to veterinary ophthalmology is not necessary for exam preparation.)"