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ESL Undergraduate Student Guide

A guide to support international students in ESL 112 and 115 and beyond.

Find Organizations Using Gale Directory Library

To use Gale Directory Library, click on the link below.

Gale Directory Library

Formerly "Associations Unlimited," Gale Directory Library provides access to encyclopedias and directories that contain information on local, state, regional, national, and international organizations by title, location, subject category, and more. Follow these steps to use Gale Directory Library to find an organization. 

1. To view an encyclopedia or directory

  • Click on an encyclopedia or directory that is most relevant to your research (Example: "Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations")
  • Select the most recent edition (Example: "Encyclopedia of Associations: International Organizations, 2020 ed.")

2. To search for organizations

  • Search name, location, or keyword in the search box, or filter your results by categories such as state, country, or subject category. Examples of subject categories are "conservation" or "child welfare"

3. From the list that appears, click on the name of an association or organization

  • The information that appears includes location, when it was founded, a brief description, and more
  • Click on the URL to connect to the association's website

How to Evaluate an Organization (INFOGRAPHIC)

How to Evaluate an Organization (Accessible View)

  1. Look for information about what the organization does and who they areThis information may be found on web pages with titles such as: "About", "About Us", "Who We Are", "Our Staff", "Purpose", "Mission", "Learn More", "Contact Us"
  2. For published information by or about the organization, look for pages titled: "News", "Reports", or "Publications"
  3. What is the organization doing about the problem? What are their proposed solutions? Look for ACTION words:​​"strategies""solutions""initiatives""programs""current projects""campaigns""events""what we do""where we work""get involved""volunteer""take action""plans"
  4. Watch out for:
         -  Money: Avoid organizations that focus on asking for money or donations, rather than providing information about what they actually do or how to help.
     Contact Information: no contact information is provided OR provided contact information is suspicious (such as a personal email address rather than an email address for the organization)
         -  Current Information: Is the website maintained and updated? Does the organization have any current projects? Check for date information at the bottom of web pages or in blog and news posts.
  5. Scope: Could this organization have a big impact on the problem you are researching?
         -  If it is a small organization with a small budget: Are they able to provide solutions to the problem? Do they only try to raise awareness of the problem, without taking action on solutions?
         -  Specific geographic location: Organizations focusing on a specific location may have fewer resources and solutions than larger groups.

Find Organizations Using Charity Navigator

Charity Navigator is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that evaluates charities based on a variety of factors, including fiscal stewardship and accountability and transparency. While its main purpose is the evaluation of charities, it is an excellent tool for locating a charity or organization working to address a particular need.

To find a charity or organization...

By Basic Search

  1. On the upper left hand side of the website, enter keywords relevant to your topic into the box and click search (Example: "Animal Rescue").

By A-Z Directory

  1. On the homepage, click A-Z Directory to browse rated charities.