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University Library


Ethnography of the University Project: Getting Started

Getting Started

These guides introduce you to the library locations, catalog, databases, borrowing, resource types, and assistance. To get an understanding of EUI projects see the EUI webpage and EUI in IDEALS. See the Books, Papers, and Websites about UIllinois, African-American Experience, and Student Life tabs and EUI Research Topics pages for possible topics. For more information about ethnographic research, see the Books, Papers, and Websites about Ethnographic Reseach tab.

Choose a Topic

How to focus a broad topic:

  • Develop a tentative focus
  • List what you already know
  • Find background information on topic
  • Choose a particular perspective
  • Limit your search to a specific time period

Adapted from the Undergrad Library

Develop Your Topic

  1. Write down your topic using a broad sentence or a question
  2. Identify main words and concepts in your question
  3. Idenitfy alternative words and concepts for your keywords
  4. Identify subject areas relevant to your topic

Adapted from the Undergrad Library