A film made by Elizabeth Peppin for the CA Water Boards. Informative and entertaining film that brings to life practices and projects that individuals and communities have created to steward watersheds.
Solving the water problems we face today will be difficult. These problems have been caused by poor planning and management of the water we have available to us and the belief that the water available to us is infinite. It is not.
About Fresh Water
Seventy percent of the Earth is covered by water. Nearly 97% of that water is saltwater and undrinkable. That means that only about 3% of Earth's water is fresh. But, of that 3%, two percent of that water (about 66% of all fresh water) is in solid form and found in ice caps and glaciers.
That leaves about 1% of all the Earth's water is in a form useable to humans and land animals. This small amount of fresh water is found our lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, and in the ground.
RainGarden Network, 18 September, 2014.
Here are some information and organizations about rain gardens in the Midwest.
For more full-text resources about rain gardens and bioswales go the the RefWorks Rain Garden Database.
Looking for some videos about Rain Gardens? Click here to find a wide variety of videos on YouTube.
Slideshare has a number of powerpoint presentations on rain gardens and bioswales. Click here to access the list.
Below a few of the presentations are highlighted.