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Brazilian Culture: Magazines & Newspapers

An introductory guide to library and online resources for Brazilian Culture.

Latest News from Brazil

For more coverage of current events in Brazil in English, consult The New York Times, The Telegraph, or The Economist.

UIUC Resources

Read physical issues of O Estado de S. Paulo at the Literatures and Languages Library.

Online newspaper databases

Magazines & Newspapers Online

Newspapers: There are over 650 daily papers in Brazil. Here are some of the most popular titles:

  • Folha de São Paulo - One of Brazil's most prestigious newspapers. 
  • Jornal do Brasil - Or simply JB, a daily newspaper published in Rio de Janeiro.
  • O Povo - Daily newspaper published in Fortaleza, capital of Ceará, Brazil.
  • O Globo  - Daily newspaper from Rio de Janeiro, the third most read paper in Brazil

UT Lanic - Collection of Latin American news resources by region.

Notícias Lusófonas - Online news source that covers various Lusophone countries from Brazil to East Timor.

Brazzil - English-language newspaper and website focused on Brazilian culture and current events.


Editora Abril Revistas - Major Brazilian publisher with over 40 magazine titles and a wide array of themes, from women's magazines to architecture to history. Links to online content where available.

  • Veja - a weekly newsmagazine that covers a variety of subjects, including the economy, culture, technolgy, and religion. One of the most read magazines in Brazil.

LANIC Magazines - A short annotated list of Brazilian magazines.

Free Historical Digitized Newspapers

Resources for digitized newspaper collections that are freely available online. See also the digital collections listed on the Cultural Heritage Institutions page.

Jornal do Brasil - Full text access to issues from the 1930s through the 1990s. Digitized and hosted by Google.

Newspapers of the Afro-Brazilian Social Movement - From the digital state public archives of São Paolo.

19th Century Periodicals - Short history of periodicals in Brazil during the 19th century, with links to holdings in the National Library's digital library.



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