Created by the Ebling Library at University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Designed to help find statistics on particular disorders, diseases, population groups, health trends, hospital utilization, costs, and health related issues.
Maps, computer models and datasets to describe the behavior of Earth’s terrestrial ecosystems, hydrological systems, and climate. Includes datasets of global ecosystems, historical land use, and land cover change.
Global disease distribution and outbreak maps, and lists of countries indicating their sanitary statuses. Also disease event reports, animal health status, veterinary services, population, vaccinations, etc. by country.
Health statistics from Africa (AFRO), Americas (AMRO), Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), Europe (EURO), South-East Asia (SEARO), and Western Pacific (WPRO)
Map of "One Health"
Who's Who in One Health?
The map above is a representation of all the countries that are part of the One Health initiative. The website herecontains a complete list of the organizations from around the world.