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University Library


Accounting Research Toolbox

Selected Resources for Illinois College of Business Accountancy Faculty and Students

Related Guides

The Law Library has compiled an excellent guide on conducting Federal Tax Research, including the various primary sources, as well as overviews of secondary sources necessary to do tax research.

The University Library subscribes to the following tax databases below.   We are fortunate to have access to all three major tax databases as most firms subscribe at least to one of them.   The screenshot for each database is to give the user an idea what the database should look like on the opening screen.   Current students, faculty, and staff will need to use their Illinois Net ID and Password to log in when using the database off campus.   These screenshots were created by the Law Library and BIS.

Bloomberg Law: Tax

screenshot of Bloomberg Law search page


Bloomberg Law: Tax - A tax planning resource offering expert analysis and practice tools from the world's leading tax authorities including legislation, codes, regulations, preambles, cases and IRS publications.  The Library contains the U.S. Income Library, State Tax Library, Estates, Gifts & Trusts Library, and Tax Practice Library.  Coverage includes selected comments by leading tax authorities on a variety of current tax issues, and daily tax news headlines.  Practice Tools include tax forms, Federal tax calendar, and various tables, charts and lists.  It also has the AICPA standards of professional conduct, statements of audit standards, and statements of position. For on campus use only.

Vital Law

Checkpoint Edge (Thomson Reuters)