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University Library


Accounting Research Toolbox

Selected Resources for Illinois College of Business Accountancy Faculty and Students

CCH Accounting Research Manager

EBSCO Business Source Complete

Nexis Uni

In order to download articles, make sure to enable pop-ups for

To search for company profiles, select the company info box on the home page and select Company Profile from the drop-down to search for a company by name.


ProQuest One Business

ProQuest One Business

Access this resource directly through the UIUC proxy link above.

This is a comprehensive database of scholarly journals, magazines, trade publications, newspapers, books, reports, dissertations, and working papers. To get database help, click here and then click on various links in the left-hand navigation column such as 'Basic Search' or 'Advanced Search: Database Specific.'

For example, to search for industry statistics and reports: Search for an industry name as a subject or enter/look up NAICS code; choose "statistics/data report" as "document type";  click search.