A comprehensive database of Ag publications worldwide. Areas of interest significant to Human and Community Development include: natural and environmental resources, leisure, recreation and tourism, rural development, and some aspects of human health.
GreenFILE offers well-researched but accessible information covering all aspects of human impact on the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government, and general-interest titles include content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done on each level to minimize negative impact. Topics covered include global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. GreenFILE is multidisciplinary by nature and draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health, and technology.
Search for thesis and dissertations published either at the UIUC or any other university (full text access is available for some but not all thesis and dissertations).
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database including peer-reviewed titles from international publishers, Open Access journals, conference proceedings, trade publications and quality web sources. Subject coverage includes: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Engineering; Life and Health Sciences; Social Sciences, Psychology and Economics; Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
Provides the most current index to the world's leading scholarly research journals in all disciplines; includes abstracts. Available: 1982-present. Includes a unique "cited reference" feature, to find articles that have cited a given article.