For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Calhoun County typically starts with "977.385". Some common subject headings for Calhoun County are:
Calhoun County (Ill.) --History.
Calhoun County (Ill.) --Biography.
Calhoun County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Carpenter, George W. History of Calhoun County. Jerseyville, Ill. : Democratic Print, c1934.
Call Number: 977.385 C22C
Carpenter, George W. Calhoun is my kingdom; the sesquicentennial history of Calhoun County, Illinois. Board of County Commissioners, Calhoun County, Illinois, c1967.
Call Number: 977.385 C22H
Lammy, John. Calhoun county : its early history and first settlers. Hardin, 1876.
Call Number: 977.385 L18C
Portrait and biographical album of Pike and Calhoun counties, Illinois … Chicago : Biographical pub. co., 1891.
Call Number: 977.345 P83
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census enumeration forms via:
Hixson W.W. & Co. Plat book of Calhoun County, Illinois. Rockford, [1926?].
Call Number: Q.912.77385 H64P
Rockford Map Publishers. Land atlas and plat book, Calhoun County, Illinois. Rockford, 1982.
Call Number: Q. 912.77385 R59T1
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Carroll County typically starts with "977.334". Some common subject headings for Carroll County are:
Carroll County (Ill.) --History.
Carroll County (Ill.) --Biography.
Carroll County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see How To use Our Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Bateman, Newton, 1822-1897, ED. Historical encyclopedia of Illinois, ed. by Newton Bateman, LL. L., Paul Selby, A.M.; and history of Carroll County, ed. by Charles L. Hostetter … Chicago : Munsell Pub. Co., 1913.
Call Number: 977.324 B31H
Kett, H.F. and Co., pub. The history of Carroll county, Illinois. Chicago : H. F. Kett & Co., 1878.
Call Number: 977.334 K511973
Portrait and biographical album of Jo Daviess and Carroll counties, Illinois. Chicago : Chapman Brothers, 1889.
Call Number: 977.334 P838
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Hixson W.W. & Co. Plat book of Caroll County, Illinois. Rockford, 1926.
Call Number: 912.77334 H64p2007
Ogle, George A. & Co. Standard atlas of Carroll County, Illinois. Chicago, 1908.
Call Number: F. 912.77334 OG5SC
Rockford Map Publishers. Land atlas & plat book ... Carroll County, Illinois. Rockford, 1976.
Call Number: Q. 912.773345 R59B1
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Cass County typically starts with "977.346". Some common subject headings for Cass County are:
Cass County (Ill.) --History.
Cass County (Ill.)--Genealogy.
Cass County (Ill.) --Biography.
Cass County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Biographical review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois. Chicago, Biographical review Pub. Co., 1892.
Call Number: 977.347 B52
Gridley, James Norman. Historical sketches. Virginia, Ill., Printed by the Enquirer, 1907?
Call Number: 977.346 G87H
Perrin, William Henry, ED. History of Cass County, Illinois. Chicago : O.L. Baskin & co., 1882.
Call Number: 977.3461 P42H
Schweer, Mrs. T. J. History of Beardstown and Cass County. Beardstown, 1925.
Call Number: 977.3465 SCH97H
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Hixson W.W. & Co. Plat book of Cass Co., Ill. Rockford, [193-?]
Call Number: Q. 912.77346 H64P1937
Ogle, George A. & Co. Standard atlas of Cass County, Illinois. Chicago, 1899.
Call Number: F. 912.77346 Og5s
Rockford Map Publishers. Atlas & plat book, Cass County, Illinois. Rockford, 1976-
Call Number: Q. 912.773465 R59T
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Champaign County typically starts with "977.366". Some common subject headings for Champaign County are:
Champaign County (Ill.) --History.
Champaign County (Ill.) --Biography.
Champaign County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Bateman, Newton, 1822-1897. Historical encyclopedia of Illinois / edited by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby ; and History of Champaign County / edited by Joseph O. Cunningham. Chicago : Munsell Pub. Co., 1905.
Call Number: 977.366 B31h
The biographical record of Champaign County Ill. … Chicago : S.J. Clarke Publishing Company, 1900.
Call Number: 977.366 B52
Mathews, Milton W. Early history and pioneers of Champaign County. Urbana, Ill. : Champaign County Herald, [1891]
Call Number: 977.366 M42e1891
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Brock & Company. Standard atlas of Champaign County, Illinois, including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county. Chicago, 1929.
Call Number: F. 912.77366 B78S
Clark, A.W. Atlas of Champaign County, Illinois, 1943. Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & Co., 1943.
Call Number: F. 912.77366 C54a
Atlas of Champaign County, Illinois : originally copyrighted & published by General Map Company, 1951, supplemented by Goodell Engineering Associates, Champaign, Illinois, 1955, 1956, & 1960 / compiled from surveys and the public records. Champaign, Ill. : Goodell Engineering Associates, [1960]
Call Number: F. 912.77366 G28a1960
Goodell, Hubert Ellis. Atlas of Champaign County, Illinois. Rockford, Ill. : General Map Co., 1951.
Call Number: F. 912.77366 G28a
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Christian County typically starts with "977.381". Some common subject headings for Christian County are:
Christian County (Ill.) --History.
Christian County (Ill.) --Biography.
Christian County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Bateman, Newton, 1822-1897. Historical encyclopedia of Illinois / edited by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby ; and History of Christian County / edited by Henry L. Fowkes. Chicago : Munsell Pub. Co., 1918.
Call Number: 977.382 B31H1975
History of Christian County, Illinois / with illustrations descriptive of its scenery, and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers. Philadelphia : Brink, McDonough, 1880.
Call Number: Q. 977.381 H62
McBride, J. C. Past and present of Christian County, Illinois. Chicago, Ill. : S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1904.
Call Number: 977.381 M12P
Portrait and biographical record of Christian County, Illinois. Chicago, Ill. : Lake City Pub. Co., 1893.
Call Number: 977.381 P838
Young, Orris Ephraim. A General History of Christian County, Illinois. B.L. thesis, University of Illinois. Urbana, 1893.
Call Number: Q. 977.381 Y86G1971
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
General Map Company. Plat book, Christian County, Illinois. Rockford, Ill. : General Map Company, c1948.
Call Number: Q. 912.77381 G28P
Hixson W.W. & Co. Plat book of Christian Co. [Ill.]. Rockford, [1937?]
Call Number: Q. 912.77381 H64P192-A
Rockford Map Publishers. Atlas & plat book, Christian County, Illinois. Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers.
Call Number: Q. 912.77381 R59T
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Clark County typically starts with "977.37". Some common subject headings for Clark County are:
Clark County (Ill.) --History.
Clark County (Ill.) --Biography.
Clark County (Ill.) --Genealogy.
Clark County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Bateman, Newton, 1822-1897. Historical encyclopedia of Illinois / edited by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby. And, History of Clark County / edited by H.C. Bell. Dixon, Ill. : Print Shop, 1976.
Call Number: 977.371 B31H1976
Perrin, William Henry, ED. History of Crawford and Clark counties, Illinois. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1968.
Call Number: 977.37 P42H1968
Watts, Lorie O. Index of the book History of Crawford and Clark Counties, Illinois. reproduced in 1967 by Unigraphic, Inc., Evansville, Ind. for the Crawford County Historical Society, 1967.
Call Number: 977.37 P42HINDEX
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Hixson W.W. & Co. Plat book of Clark Co., Ill. Rockford, 1930?
Call Number: 912.77371 H64P
Ogle, George A. & Co. Plat book of Clark County, Illinois. Chicago, 1892.
Call Number: F. 912.77371 Og5p
Rockford Map Publishers. Land atlas & plat book ... Clark County, Illinois. Rockford, 1976-
Call Number: Q. 912.77371 R59T1
Rockford Map Publishers. Farm plat book, Clark County, Illinois. Rockford, c1955.
Call Number: 912.77371 R59F1955
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Clay County typically starts with "977.37". Some common subject headings for Clay County are:
Clay County (Ill.) --History.
Clay County (Ill.) --Biography.
Clay County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
History of Wayne and Clay Counties, Illinois. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1977.
Call Number: 977.379 H62W1977
Biographical and reminiscent history of Richland, Clay and Marion counties, Illinois. Indianapolis : B. F. Bowen, 1909.
Call Number: 977.37 B52B
History of Clay County, Illinois. [Flora, Ill. : Martin Printing and Album Co., 1969- ]
Call Number: 977.3795 H629
Index of proper names History of Wayne and Clay Counties, Illinois [Chicago, Globe Pub., Co., 1884] / prepared by Agnes Lownsdale Kendall. Marion, Ind. : [s.n.], 1947.
Call Number: 977.379 H62W1973INDEX
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Atlas & plat book, Clay County, Illinois / sponsored by Clay County Farm Bureau. Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers.
Call Number: Q. 912.773795 R59t1
Rockford Map Publishers. PLAT BOOK, CLAY COUNTY, ILLINOIS. ROCKFORD, 1953.
Call Number: Q. 912.773795 R59P
Triennial farmers atlas & residents directory, Clay County, Illinois. Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, [196-]-[19--]
Call Number: Q. 912.773795 R59T
Call Number: Q. 912.773795 R59F1963
More information can be found on our Web Resources page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Clinton County typically starts with "977.3875". Some common subject headings for Clinton County are:
Clinton County (Ill.) --History.
Clinton County (Ill.) --Biography.
Clinton County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
History of Marion and Clinton counties, Illinois. With illustrations descriptive of the scenery, and biographical sketches of some of the prominent men and pioneers. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1974.
Call Number: Q. 977.3875 H621974
Portrait and biographical record of Clinton, Washington, Marion and Jefferson Counties, Illinois : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the counties together with biographies and portraits of all the governors of the state and the presidents of the United States. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1975.
Call Number: Q. 977.379 P8381975
Commercial history of Clinton County, Illinois : with a brief historical introduction relative to its organization as a county. [S.l., 1918?]
Call Number: Q. 977.3875 C7361970
Portrait and biographical record of Clinton, Washington, Marion and Jefferson Counties, Illinois : containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the counties : together with biographies and portraits of all the governors of the state and the presidents of the United States. Chicago : Chapman Pub. Co., 1894.
Call Number: 977.379 P838
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Land atlas and plat book, Clinton County, Illinois / Rockford Map Publishers. Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, 1980-
Call Number: Q. 912.773875 R59T1
Farm plat book and business guide, Clinton County, Illinois. [cartographic material] Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, c1950.
Call Number: Q. 912.77387 R59F
Standard atlas of Clinton County, Illinois [cartographic material] : including a plat book of the villages, cities, and townships of the County ... / compiled and published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Chicago, Ill. : Geo. A. Ogle & Co., 1913.
Call Number: F. 912.773875 OG5S
Call Number: 912.77387 H64P
More information can be found on our Web Resources Page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Coles County typically starts with "977.372". Some common subject headings for Coles County are:
Coles County (Ill.) --History.
Coles County (Ill.) --Biography.
Coles County (Ill.) --Genealogy.
Coles County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Portrait and biographical album of Coles County, Ill. / [Chapman Brothers]. [Charleston, Ill. : Coles County, Illinois Genealogical Society, 1980?].
Call Number: 977.372 C36p1980
History of Coles County, 1876-1976 : Coles County, Illinois / edited by Marta Cates Ladd and Constance Schneider Kimball. [s.n.] : Charleston and Mattoon Bicentennial Commission, 1976.
Call Number: 977.372 H6295
Index to History of Coles County, 1876-1976 : Coles County, Illinois / indexed by Mrs. Joseph C. Gary (Mary A. Harlow) ; edited by Mrs. James P. Gary (Carol Kirschner). [Charleston? Ill.] : Coles County Illinois Genealogical Society, 1988.
Call Number: 977.372 H6295INDEX
Photographic images & the history of African Americans in Coles County, Illinois / Onaiwu W. Ogbomo. Charleston, Ill. : Eastern Illinois University, c2002.
Call Number: 977.372 Og1p
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Illinois. Dept. of Transportation. Map of Coles County. [Springfield, IL : Illinois Dept. of Transportation] 1925.
Call Number: G4103.C651925 .I4
Historical plat maps of Coles County, Illinois / as compiled by Ronald Nichols ; under the auspices of the Coles County Genealogical Society. Charleston, Ill. : The Society, 1982.
Call Number: Q. 912.77372 H629
Standard atlas of Coles County, Illinois [cartographic material] : including a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county, map of the state, United States and world, patrons directory, reference business directory and departments devoted to general information, analysis of the system of U.S. Land Surveys, digest of the system of civil government, etc. / compiled and published by Geo. A. Ogle and Co. Chicago : Ogle, 1913.
Call Number: F. 912.77372 OG5S
W.W. Hixson & Co. Plat book of Coles Co., Ill. [cartographic material] Rockford, Ill., [193-?]
Call Number: 912.77372 H64P
More information can be found on our Web Resources Page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Cook County typically starts with "977.31". Some common subject headings for Cook County are:
Cook County (Ill.) --History.
Cook County (Ill.) --Biography.
Cook County (Ill.) --Genealogy.
Cook County (Ill.) --Maps.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Album of genealogy and biography, Cook County, Illinois : with portraits. 13th ed., rev. and improved. Chicago : La Salle Book Co., 1900.
Call Number: 920.0773 AL11900
History of Cook County, Illinois : being a general survey of Cook County history, including a condensed history of Chicago and special account of districts outside the city limits : from the earliest settlement to the present time / editors, Weston A. Goodspeed, Daniel D. Healy. Chicago : Goodspeed Historical Association, c1909.
Call Number: 977.31 G62HI1973
History of Cook County, Illinois. From the earliest period to the present time ... By A.T. Andreas. Chicago : A.T. Andreas, 1884.
Call Number: Q. 977.31 AN2H
Johnson, Charles B. Growth of Cook County; a history of the large lake-shore county that includes Chicago. [Chicago] : Board of Commissioners of Cook County, 1960-
Call Number: 977.31 J63G
Portrait and biographical record of Cook and Du Page counties, Illinois, containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county, together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States. Chicago : Lake City Pub. Co., 1894.
Call Number: 920.077324 P838
Call Number: 977.31 W31h
UIUC affiliates or patrons using computers on-campus can access past census data via:
Chicago suburban maps, Cook County, Illinois [cartographic material] / Central Map, Survey and Publishing Co. Chicago : The Co., c1891.
Call Number: F. 912.7731 C33C
Cook County (Ill.). Dept. of Highways. Township maps of Cook County, Illinois. [cartographic material] [Chicago, Ill.] : Cook County Highway Department, 1973.
Call Number: G4103S .C7711971.C6
Plat book of Cook County, Illinois. Rockford, Ill. : W.W. Hixson & Co., [193-?]
Call Number: 912.7731 H64P
Map of Cook County, Illinois [map] / compiled and drawn from record and actual surveys by W.L. Flower. [Chicago, Ill.] : S.H. Burhans & J. Van Vechten, 1862 (Chicago : engraved, printed, colored & mounted by Edw. Mendel)
Call Number: G4103.C7 G461862.F5
More information can be found on our Web Resources Page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Crawford County typically starts with "977.375". Some common subject headings for Crawford County are:
Crawford County (Ill.) --Biography.
Crawford County (Ill.) --Maps.
Illinois --Biography.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Illinois, historical / editors, Newton Bateman, Paul Selby ; Crawford County, biographical. Chicago : Munsell Pub. Co., 1909.
Call Number: 977.375 B31I
A history of Crawford County, Illinois, 1900-1925. Urbana, University of Illinois, 1951.
Call Number: 977.375 F514H
History of Crawford and Clark counties, Illinois. Evansville, Ind. : Unigraphic, 1968.
Call Number: 977.37 P42H1968
Index of the book History of Crawford and Clark Counties, Illinois. S.l. : s.n., between 1967 and 1982.
Call Number: 977.37 P42HINDEX
Census enumeration forms available via:
Plat book of Crawford County, Illinois. Rockford, Robinson, c1947.
Call Number: Q. 912.77375 M19P
Farm plat book and business guide, Crawford County, Illinois. Rockford, Ill. : Rockford Map Publishers, 1954.
Call Number: Q. 912.77375 R59F
More information can be found on our Web Resources Page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.
For the most up to date resources, please use the Library Catalog. The Dewey call number for Cumberland County typically starts with "977.373". Some common subject headings for Cumberland County are:
Cumberland County (Ill.) --History.
Cumberland County (Ill.) --Maps.
Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and Richland, Illinois --Indexes.
If you have questions about using the online catalog or subject headings, please see Using the Library. We've provided a few areas below to start you off.
Complete surname index for 1884 history & biographical book Cumberland, Jasper & Richman Counties, Illinois : 2179 different surnames. Olney, Ill. : Historical Society Publ., 1969.
Call Number: 977.373 B32CINDEX
Counties of Cumberland, Jasper and Richland, Illinois. Historical and biographical. Chicago : F. A. Battey & Co., 1884.
Call Number: 977.373 B32C1975
Farm plat book and business guide, Cumberland County, Illinois. Rockford, [1951]
Call Number: Q. 912.77373 R59F
More information can be found on our Web Resources Page as well as in the Illinois County Bibliography, which is shelved with 016.9773.