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University Library


3D Printing at UIUC

A brief guide to 3D printing and 3D printing resources on and around the UIUC campus brought to you by the IDEA Lab.

How To Request

Link to Form

The IDEA Lab 3D Printing Request Form is available 24/7 through our website. Designers are required to supply their name, NetID, campus status, and any special requests that they may have for their print request. Each form can take up to 5 separate STL files. So please, if you are submitting more than one file include them all in the same request. To submit a request, follow the link below.



Who's Printing at the IDEA Lab?

  Stuart Turner|

Stuart Turner is the Coordinator for the IDEA Lab at Grainger Engineering Library where he manages the day-to-day operations. He has been on the Illinois campus for 18 years and has focused on IT in various capacities throughout his career. He was the recipient of the Engineering IT David "Neo" Anderson Award of IT Excellence in 2015. His interests include technology and gaming (both tabletop and digital). He has had a strong passion for 3D printing and other makerspace technology for the past 7 years. He is the owner and operator of Print To Play Design, a local production company for gaming accessories and custom design. He looks forward to bringing these skill sets forth to help and manage the IDEA Lab.

Dirk Ton|

Dirk Ton recently came to UIUC from Indiana University, where he worked at the Wells Library as the Stacks Manager for 4 years and as a Circulation Supervisor for 6 years, He assisted in the renovation of the Lily Rare Manuscripts Library and numerous other large-scale projects within IU libraries.Originally a Purdue Graduate, Dirk has been pursuing research on the material cultures of ancient civilization and how to integrate 3D and digital archiving methods in material preservation. Recent work in digital visualization have been essential to his work on weapon reconstruction and material shape analysis. He is also an avid blacksmith and bladesmith, Dirk coordinates the maintence and operations of the various IDEA Lab spaces and equipment. In this role, Dirk helps supervise Lab Technicians in performing day-to-day operations.

Marly Santora|

Marly Santora is a Graduate Assistant at the Graduate Assistant at the Grainger Engineering Library. Through her assistantship, she supports the IDEA Lav in various capacities, including 3D printing, and makerspace technology. She is currently pursuing her master's degree in Library and Information Science through the UIUC iSchool. Prior to her time at UIUC, she attended the University of Chicago, where she completed her BA in Art History with a focus on textiles and craft history. She enjoys applying her interests in craft and creativity in a library setting through her work with the IDEA Lab.

Will Goad|

Will Goad is a Graduate Assistant at the Grainger Engineering Library, who works very closely with the IDEA Lab. He recently graduated from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with an undergraduate degree in history and GIS. Currently, he has continued studying at UIUC to earn his master's degree in Library and Information Science. He supports the IDEA Lab in a number of capacities from help desk assistance to 3D printing and cartographic support. He enjoys being able to marry his interests of gaming, 3D printing, and 3D design in his work with the IDEA Lab and is excited to work with us going forward.