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University Library


3D Printing at UIUC

A brief guide to 3D printing and 3D printing resources on and around the UIUC campus brought to you by the IDEA Lab.

At the IDEA Lab, patrons are the designers, and the IDEA Lab 3D Printing Lab staff are the implementers.

Essentially, you design it > you submit it > we print it

Your Role: The Designer

● Design 3D model and save/export as .STL file

● .STL files most common for 3D Printing

● .STL file transmits geometric makeup (a series of linked triangles) to describe the 3D design

IDEA Lab Role: The Implementor

● Import .STL file into 3D printing software known as a “slicing program” for the appropriate printer. The slicing programs we use include PrusaSlicer, Cura LulzBot, and Chitubox.

● Possible trial and error of printing the design.

Our Process: Workflow

A diagram going through the 3D printing process at the IDEA Lab


The figure above details the entire printing process. After designing your model, submit it to the 3D print request form. The IDEA Lab will respond by email within 2 business days to address either the cost* of the print or any potential issues. After the cost of the print has been accepted, the IDEA Lab will process the print.** Once the 3D print is completed, you will receive an email from the IDEA Lab informing you of your 3D print's completed status. Finally, you may pick up your print from our front desk, located in the basement of Grainger Library. Please, bring your I-Card for verification.


*Patrons must approve printing cost before printing can begin. If there is an issue, an IDEA Lab staff member will send an email. Depending on the issue, staff will request modifications or suggestions for the design submitted.

**Issues may arise during printing. Trial and error of modifying the printer or in addressing concerns with the patron will affect time.