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University Library


ACS Workflows: Acquisitions

P-Card Purchases

P-Card = "Purchase Card." The University of Illinois distinguishes between P-Cards for purchases and T-Cards for travel funds. 

For additional information as to what purchases are allowed on each card, check with

ABE and Amazon third-party sellers - Order each title individually for P-Card reconciliation purposes (unless same seller, line items can be on same PO)

PDA program titles are purchased only from Amazon (when unavailable through YBP). (program suspended for COVID-19)

When receiving the item, an extra "PDA patron" slip will accompany the item, and is given to a cataloger for rush processing (suspended for COVID-19).

Placing P-Card Purchases

For each P-Card purchase you should generate:

  1. Alma Purchase Order (PO)
  2. Purchase Card log
  3. 3 copies of vendor receipt


PO Notes

In the POL Receiving Notes include:

  • Prepaid p-card  - date and initials (if the PO is being created by someone other than the P-Card holder, indicate the P-Card holder here as well)
  • Order # (P-Card holder will have to provide)
  • LN# (P-Card holder will have to provide)

If for RBML see also notes needed for Rare Books and Manuscripts Library (RBML) Firm Orders



P-Card Log Software:

OBFS P-Card Information:

Click "P-Card menu" at top and choose "Order Log"


List PO in Dept. Ref #

Vendor name

On each line item, list fund code and PO # (Given space constraints, for reconciler's sake, may need to abbreviate title of item)


Click on the line item # to enter correct FOAPA(L) (for us the "L" for Locn is blank)




This should highlight the whole number blue, and you can click "Ctrl+C" to copy

Then paste to Notepad or Word

Once the C-FOAPAL on the P-Card Log is correct, click "Save Changes On This Item"


If your order has shipping:

(for ABEBOOKS, sometimes an email will be sent saying extra charges have been requested by the vendor, usually for shipping. Accept the charges and update card log for shipping. Be sure and re-copy the 3 order forms and put in appropriate folders.)

Click "Add A Line Item:


Add shipping price and in Item Description list "Shipping - post-600"


Click the Line Item # to enter the correct shipping C-FOAPAL


Always confirm that you have updated the Shipping C-FOAPAL

Shipping C-FOPAL is always:


Then click "Save Changes On This Item" 

Then click "Save Changes On This Order"

For Handling Charges, the process is the same for Shipping.  

For Line Item Description use "Handling - hand-601" and the C-FOAPAL is:


For Sales Taxes, use the hand-601, but use Sales Taxes - hand-601 for the "Item Description" and the C-FOAPAL above

Receiving P-Card Purchases

Receive title in Alma

Abebooks must be monitored for Rare Books deliveries. Any of these must follow rare books processing guidelines.

Otherwise, for non-rare books Abebooks orders, follow same process as non-PDA Amazon: 

  1. Indicate the Purchase Order Number
  2. Indicate the Line Item Number from the Purchase Order
  3. Stamp with Goods Received date stamp
  4. Stamp with "Prepaid by Credit Card" stamp
  5. Route to receiving staff to complete receiving




MUX - all books scores, etc.

UNCAT TO MUX (in blue crate)


Separate package to shipping


(only for rush if no P-Card holders available.  Otherwise, P-Card orders may wait until a P-Card holder is available)

In instances where a P-Card holder and a firm order staff member must coordinate, the following e-mail protocol may be used:

E-mail to P-Card holder:

I have generated PO# using the following funds:

Line 1 = pda0-611

Line 2 = arc0-611

Please place the order on the P-Card and e-mail me back with:

Vendor Order # (if available)

LN# from P-Card Log.

The Order # and LN # should be added to the "Notes" tab of the Voyager PO.

For an explanation of C-FOAPALs, please see the OBFS Quick Guide.

Here is an attachment of C-FOAPALs extracted from Voyager.

Add: edu2a - 1-638473-335000-166110-191300-795611 to list when converting wiki.

Example: 1-200250-795002-166110-795008-795611

C - Fund - Organization - Account - Program - Activity - Location
1 - 200250 - 795002 - 166110 - 795008 - 795611 - NOT USED

Converting an Alma External ID to a P-CARD C-FOAPA(L)


Leave - Leave - Leave - Change - Leave - Add - Location


200250 - 795002 - 166100 - 795008 - - NOT USED
1 - 200250 - 795002 - 166110 - 795008 - 795611 - NOT USED


ALL STATE 0 funds for print books:

1-200250-795002-166110-795008-795611  (Index code-795208)





The Index Code for the FOPs below is the same. Each Index code is assigned to a FOPs Fund/Org/Program code and since these are the same for the FOPs below the Index Code is the same. 

Index Code (795208) 1-200250-795002-166110-795008-795611


Index Code (795208) 1-200250-795002-166190-795008-795600


Index Code (795208) 1-200250-795002-166190-795008-795601

Index Code 540421 for FOP: 624421-540000-191300 - Parapsych Purcha=edu6

Index Code 540849 is for the following FOP:  626225 (fund) 540000 (ORG) 191300 (Program)=rbk6

Index Code 795588 FOP: 623588 (fund)-795015 (Org)-191300 (program)=mus18

Index Code 540859 for the following FOP 1-630359 (fund)-540000 (org)-166110-191300 (program)-795611 = ihs6

Index Code 540419 for the following FOP 624419 (fund) 540000 (org) 166110 191300 (program) 795611=his6

Index Code 540418 for the following FOP 6244418 (fund) 540000(org) 166110 191300 (program) 795611=egl6a

Index Code  540422 for the following 1-629422 (fund)-540000(org)-166110-191300 (program)-795611 = edu6a

Index Code 584030 for the following 1-636053 (fund)-668000 (org)-1661000191300 (prog-795611=edu6b

Index Code 540914 for the following 636714-540000-166110-191300-795611=rbk6t

Index Code 540948 for the following 628748-540000-166110-191300-795611=art6d

Index Code 795718 for the following 625718-795026-166110-191300-795611=art1

Index Code 540586 for the following 626586-540000-166110-191300-795611=cd65a

Index Code 540424 for the following 624424-540000-166110-191300-795611=cdl7a

Index Code 540685 for the following FOP 1-627685-540000-166110-191300=nhs6

Index Code 795208 for the following FOP 1-200250-795002-166130-795008-795656=medi12

Index Code 540655  for the following 1-630055-540000-166110-191300-795611=rbk6k