The University Library houses various books and other materials related to games and gaming, such as guides for specific games, tabletop sourcebooks, and Game Studies scholarship. These materials are located throughout the library, with the largest collections at the Social Sciences, Health, and Education Library (SSHEL) and in the Main Stacks.
Books on games can be found under several different call numbers, but the majority of them can be found under GV1469.15‑1469.62 in the Library of Congress, which corresponds to subject headings for computer games, video games, and fantasy games. You can find books specifically on video game music under ML3469-3541, which corresponds to the subject heading for popular music. Other books may be found in the subject areas of art, architecture, economics, and children.
In the Dewey Decimal System, books on video games can be found under call number 794, which is the designation for "indoor games of skill".