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Illinois Extension: Illinois Extension Publications

A research guide for people in Extension at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

External Publications by Extension Staff

Illinois extension provides research-based publications, information, and educational materials prepared by University of Illinois experts. Order these and more from our PubsPlus website


Field Crop Scouting Manual

The manual describes scouting, crop monitoring, and sampling techniques that will help you identify and monitor pests that are a threat to field crops in the Midwest. The 2020 edition is updated and revised with color photos and illustrations.

Forest Trees of Illinois

The book provides a comprehensive overview of almost 150 natives and introduced tree species that are found in Illinois. The 10th edition of this invaluable resource is updated and revised with new illustrations and new information, including the addition of two native tree species.

Farm Record Book

This publication is designed to help you determine profitable and unprofitable operations in your farming business. It also contains the recordkeeping worksheets you need to prepare your income tax return.

Vegetable Gardening in the Midwest

Home gardeners in the Midwest will find everything they need to plan, prepare, plant, and care for a vegetable or herb garden, and harvest their bounty. This stunning publication provides detailed instructions with line drawings and color photographs of 100 major vegetables, minor vegetables, and herbs.

Identifying Weeds in Midwestern Turf and Landscapes

Whether you're a home gardener or a turfgrass or landscape professional, in order to manage weeds effectively you need to know what they are. This easy-to-use guide identifies 37 common weeds in lawns across the Midwest.

Pest Management for the Home Landscape

The revised edition of this popular reference guide, created by University of Illinois Extension specialists, gives you all the information you need to manage insects, weeds, and plant diseases in your yard, garden, and home.

Identifying Turf/Weedy Grasses of the Northern United States

This portable identification guide from the University of Illinois Extension equips you with all the knowledge you need to differentiate turf and grassy weeds. Identifying Turf and Weedy Grasses of the Northern United States combines detailed color photos with descriptions of 23 plants in one pocket-sized package. 

Pocket Guide to Crop Development

The Pocket Guide to Crop Development from the University of Illinois Extension offers full-color illustrations and succinct descriptions of growing stages across the season for four production crops.

Native Plants in the Home Landscape

Native Plants in the Home Landscape for the Upper Midwest equips every gardener to make the most of the beauty and hardiness of native plantings. A glossary and lists of plant sources, reference books, and web sites help in procuring plants and building knowledge to make better choices in reviving the natural beauty of the land.

Color Chart for Estimating Organic Matter in Mineral Soils in Illinois

This chart helps you get an accurate estimate of the amount of organic matter in your soil. 



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 Illinois Extension IDEALS Community

University of Illinois Extension-specific scholarly output, "about this unit" information, and readership statistics.