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University Library


Illinois Extension: Online Access from Off Campus

A research guide for people in Extension at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Online Access from Off Campus

Image courtesy of Nicole Helregal

Distance Learners and Instructors: Library Resources & Services Guide

 A guide that assists iCard holders on how to access library resources and services using their Net ID and University email. 

Note: If you live in or near the state of Illinois, check if you have access to an I-Share member library. If you do, you can borrow items onsite or order books and have them sent to that library free of charge. 

Connecting to Library Resources Off-Campus

Walks iCard-holding patrons through the different methods of accessing library resources on campus.

How to Claim your NetID & Password

A NetID & Password are required to access University Library materials. This resource assists in claiming them.