The Global Civil Society Organization Responses to COVID-19 web archive is a collection of archived copies of different pages from the websites of non-governmental organizations from around the world. Organizations are selected based on their responses to the COVID-19 epidemic; they include trade groups, think-tanks, academic associations, aid organizations, and advocacy groups. The archive provides documentation of how organizations responded and adjusted positions to accommodate, understand, and gain control over a rapidly changing political, economic, and security landscape.
Two different methods can help you find what you need within the archive: searching and filtering. They will likely return different results, so we recommend that you try both.
To search, enter your search term(s) in the search box and click "Search." You can narrow your results further with options presented on the search results page.
To filter, click any of the options under the "Narrow Your Results" section on the sidebar of the collection's main page. These filters are based on metadata we assign to the websites in the web archive; because the collection is a work in progress, the metadata is not complete for a small portion of sites in the collection. For best results, we recommend taking advantage of the Country, Language, and Region filters. Try different combinations to get different results!
Sometimes, when you select an entry in the archive that you want to view, you may be directed to a list of dates. This is because the entry has been archived multiple times. Over the course of the pandemic, non-governmental organizations have updated their websites multiple times to reflect new information as they produce it. When you select the version you want to view, keep in mind that older or newer versions may contain different information.
The Global Civil Society archive discussed in this guide is one of many collections hosted on the Archive-It platform by universities around the world. Depending on your research topic, you may want to browse the contents of other collections on the Archive-It platform.