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University Library


Buddhist Studies: Korea

A guide for those beginning Buddhist Studies

Resources on Korean Buddhism

Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Culture

  1. Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs, the abridged English edition of the Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Beliefs (6 volumes) published from 2010 to 2012. Subjects are shamanism, village gods worship, and household gods worship.
  2. Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs, the abridged English edition of the Encyclopedia of Korean Seasonal Customs (5 volumes) published in 2007.
  3. Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literature, the abridged English edition of the Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Literature (3 volumes) published in 2014.
  4. Encyclopedia of Korean Rites of Passage
  5. Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Arts
  6. Encyclopedia of Food, Clothing and Housing in Korea
  7. Encyclopedia of Occupations and Skills in Korea
  8. Encyclopedia of Korean Folk Society  

The content can be browsed by headwords, genre-based categories, formats (photos, sound/video clips, etc.), index terms, and authors. Also featured on the website is a clickable folklore map, Folklore dictionary by region